Peanut Butter & JellyFish Sandwich....
Never go near it with your Dino, it will kill you, your Dino, your friends, your family, the guy down the street, some guy over in Africa, all while they won't do a thing to attack it.
1 like=1 member of the cnidaria hate club
Go for a swim they said, it'll be fun they said...
It's more TentaCRUEL then TentaCOOL...
Ya know it was a nice day on the beach today I decided to go for a swim in the shallow water I was like what harm could it do…
I was very very wrong
Up to kill all Cnidaria
Who says Jellys cant be tamed? Hit up my boy Spongebob and Patrick and they'll show u what's up.
The sting feels worse than you stubbing your toe...imagine it it must be bad.
Percentage of people who hate these things 100%
If you get stung, you can piss on it to help the rash go away.
Cnidaria when chillin: UAHH OUAHH
Cnidaria when dying: OUUUOAGHH
Cnidaria when attacking: *six year old electrocuting*
make the button below ascend as the Cnidarias attack you
Ascend if you hate the f*cks