ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

If a cnidaria killed my spino, boy i would be mad. i lost my sarco to cnidarias, a scare with my icthy with cnidarias, and almost got my megalceros killed by some. ( he is dead now D:) I kill any of these that i can. The dossier says that they are passive, but aggresive when approched, NO! as soon as i step in the water these attack, and they litterally don't move at all, they just sit there and chill until you or a tame steps in the water. one like=one prayer for my deceased sarco, Gatorade (you can find his story in sarco) and one member of the cnidaria hate club.
This is the kind of creature I'd happily hunt to extinction...
Me and my friend: *enters the water to move our 3 gigas off of herbi island onto the mainland*
Evil Jellyfish Of Doom: "So You Have Chosen Death"
Real story 😭 1 👆 = 1 R.I.P for chaos , grim and nebula 😭😭😭
i threw a spear at a group of these guys, then my sarco went to kill them and I watched in horror as she flew through the air dead, now all I do is kill every last one of these guys
If you are reading this it seems your underwater adventure came to a shocking conclusion.
Admit it. if you're reading this you definitely lost at least a dino or two to these guys.
Their attacks shock you (which makes you unable to move), and they often stick in groups. If you get surrounded by these, you're basically dead. Don't use melee weapons, use a crossbow.
I think that the devs need to reconsider some of the creatures in ark. With the jellies and electrophorus, it's too much. Especially on fjordur. There are hundreds of eels EVERYWHERE in the shallows! I don't mean reconsider as removal, but they need to be nerfed. No person I know tames mosas, plessies, or dunkies anymore because of those two creatures. They've made a lot of ocean creatures irrelevant. My first water creature is always a basilo. And that's all I need, because what's the point of anything else.
- A frustrated survivor.
"Deepest parts of the ocean" yeah right! You run into these guys on the surface.
If you need the bio toxin but don't have underwater tames, just use a crossbow and normal arrows and it will die pretty quick. DONT ATTACK WITH A CLOSE RANGE WEAPON!!! harvest with hatchet to get the most bio toxin.
They drop bio toxins, which can be used for a new tranq dart that's more powerful AND shocks the target.
Basically no utility except biotoxin, only go after them with weapons that have long ranges and MAKE SURE YOUR TAMES WON’T CHASE THEM!!! When I was a noob I watched my entire dilo pack run after them and watched as they were all slowly and brutally murdered, and I’ll probably lose more tames to those monsters later. If a troll was a creature, it would probably be this one. One ☝️ = one RIP for every tame lost to these.
I was just about to kill an alpha meg with a trash bary, then this guy showed up and I attacked the alpha while keeping my distance. This guy wasn’t even close when I got stunned. They need to nerf it’s aoe. my bary died but the meg was 100 health.
They aren’t tamable because there so o.p, one killed my lvl 296 Rex🥲
I swear on the beach that I live on if you say these are neutral or aggressive you are wrong they are monsters there soul is black as charcoal I’ve lost my all my Dino’s fighting a spino a Rex and a alpha raptor they ambushed us and killed my 15 10 sarcos and my mammoth it was a hard fight these stupid little #$*&@ killed my dodo Kevin
This happened very recently
Sincerely lonely dodo 🦤
Force tame it to actually be the king of ark this time
I lost my level 305 giga just earlier today to these guys, I hate them.
I would love to see every one of them burn they killed my frog and sarco
Seductress of the sea,
I shine most beautifully.
But get near,
And it's schockingly clear
Why you'd better stay far from me.
Learned the hard way that bouncing on their tops isn't an option. Nemo lies ;-;