ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Taming is stupid if you only play a little bit at a time this is not the one for you. just got done taming a 145 lv and it took one and a half stack of narcotics and two stacks of bio toxin and you have to stay with it the hole time I fed it with corn and it took 2 1/2 hrs to tame last one I will ever do and the taming on mine is set at 2x it is 1:27 am and my ass is going to bed I almost feel asleep taming it so if you don't have the time don't do it I could have took my two birds and got as much wood in the time it took to tame it just take a bird and pick it up away from the dam and take the wood from there just leave one stack so it will come back and put more in. Like so ppl will see this have fun. Oh and now it a level 188 after taming it so I better get my wood out of it for my time. Thanks everyone for the like
More Castoroides Taming & KO Tips
If you want the stuff from their dams...don't tame them cause they won't build any more dams!
Do not leave unattended the torpor goes down at a monsterous rate
Strong as hell, especially in packs. Don't put such nice things in your dam if you don't want me to raid it. Jerks.
There is in fact a slot limit! All dinos have 300 slots available
Step 1 find a dam
Step 2 grab all the cementing paste ( useful for later )
Step 3 trap or take castaroides with argenttavis or a trap
Step 4 knock unconscious and feed
Step 5 use the cementing paste and other materials for saddle
Step 6 tame and ride
Step 7 hit a tree and get tons-o-wood
Step 8 your welcome 👍
Taming these takes so ‘dam’ long
A Castoroides can be picked up by a argentavis
I tamed a level 150 of one of these wood gods, and then... it fell of a cliff... with me on it
These thing lose torpor FAST, be prepared, happy taming
The method I used to tame was picking up the beaver with my crystal wyvern and dropping it in a taming pen. Pretty easy knockouts but their torpor drop rate is INSANITY and you can't leave then for more than 3 minutes. Feed them either mejoberries or crops (kibble is really expensive but if you want to do that, go for it).
Hope this helps!