I decided to tell a true story with my carbonemys that…

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I decided to tell a true story with my carbonemys that died 2 real years ago when if first downloaded ark mobile a black out happened there were litteratly life and no wifi and I decided to play on solos as I was keeping on I tamed my first dilo and it died from a raptor it was a stuped reason cause I actually forced it to but still a huge respect after years of playing ark I went on my own since my tames were always killed by raptors so I had enough. It was also a safe zone I had enough of getting killed by raptors and I built wepons and stood up after those stuff I found a pretty safe place which was head to something dangerous. So I found a decent carbonemys I tamed him and called it goodboi it was long together until I got pretty curious and saw a therizino. I honestly thought it was friendly and it was my first time seeing it as a bob in that time I went near the therizino and got confused I went closer and it attacked me goodboi fought it and yet it was a long fight. I tried to stop them until goodboi died after the incident I got pretty sad and furious and actually left my base after that I finally lived near farseek aka griffin mountain. I tamed alot of dinos until they were many I had a Rex and spino even griffin couldn't destroy My base now that was days ago I have a knew phone I became a pro and tamed a Rex in just lvl 2 4 compared to my other acc I tamed ,it in 60 I have a nice base and strong pets

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