ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

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More Broodmother Lysrix Taming & KO Tips
The Broodmother takes only one Food
AdminCheat ForceTame
This thing was actually tamable when Ark first launched. It was just a bug, though (pun not intended)
Anti Broodmother squad:
2 Yutyranus
2 Daeodons
2 Spinos
2 Rex
12 Megatheriums
I was playing with a mod that had these running around the red woods ,the make an awful racket and just you can hear them about 2 clicks out
How to tame
Option 1: you don't
Option 2: you don't
Option 3: forcetame
Use dodos the broodmither is new to the game and will try to tame them
All you need to tame this thing is either Spider-Man in a tuxedo or a slingshot and 5 stones.
Broodmother Dialog: Best Loadout: 17 Megatherium, 1 Deodon, 1 Spino, and 1 Yutyrannus. Taming: ForceTame. Rideable: Yes (No Saddle) Obelisk: The Island, Green. Summon Code: cheat gmsummon βSpiderL_Character_BP_Cβ 60 (You can Change the Number to Change the Level of the Broodmother. Up this so more people can see this!
The only taming method is ForceTame. I forcetamed one on valguero (you can forcetame on singleplayer on PC) when tamed, you cannot ride, but itβs cool to have a fricking giant spider
if you run up to it and high five it in the face he will be good friends with you and will fight by your side forever until they grow old and die in a retirement home