In the much feared big that says easy but rly isn’t…

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In the much feared big that says easy but rly isn’t Jonny walks through the trees with he raptor delta. Delta was his first tame whom he loved more than any other tame. He sees the place he need to be but it is on the other side of the stalker trees. He knows he need to go through so he jumps on delta and starts the run through halfway through the need water, he gets up to get a drink as his lips touch the water he hears his raptor roar in pain when he looks back his raptor is speedily flying towards a stalker. He starts to climb eager to save his friend but right before he makes it to the stalker, delta drops dead to the ground.

Seeing dela breathless on the ground he craves revenge he stabs the stalker with his sword and it falls he jumps after it to make sure it dead and it was, he had avenged the death of delta. But his victory was short lived and another stalker webs him he gets his parachute ready and as he gets close he punched it not being able to reach his sword. As they both fall to the ground he uses the parachute and lands safely. He immediately asks the Helena bot to teleport to the ocean where he can recover at the sea but just before he teleports the stalker slashes he with his claws he cuts a leg of the stalker and puts his sword through its head. As the stalker goes limp instantly he teleports and makes his way to his ocean base. As he sees the ocean base the blood lass from the slash takes its toll and he passes out why his buddies running the base heal him.

The End


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