ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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So story time, I went to swamp and tamed a level 120. I took my argy and the frog to the beach to get away from the swamp nasties, a level 140 theri pops up outta nowhere and kills my argy level 227. I swear a lot then load backup save, lose the frog tame but keep argy. Happy
• Chapter 12 •
Bria’s body shivered as she stepped back slowly, her eyes flicking across the cave. ‘What is it? What is all of this?’
Her mind buzzed with dozens of questions, her tail thrashing back and forth. The creature's eyes all stared into her like trapped souls begging for freedom. She exhaled slowly through her mouth, taking a deep breath and trying to shove away the confusion.
‘This cave has never been here– I couldn't have not seen it before. How–‘
She twisted her neck and looked up and around at every drawing, her eyebrows furrowing and the light of the moon shining down. As she turned in a full circle she was startled to see black scribblings circling all around the tunnel entrance she came from, nearly covering the whole wall. It was like the shadows of Wyverns, all gazing at her as she stood alone in the moonlit center of the cavern.
She let out a small growl from her throat and moved, going forward and back through the tunnelway, leaving the drawings without a second glance. She nearly stepped on a small centipede as she went and stopped, letting it crawl past and into a small crack in the wall.
A flashed image of a talon crushing down on one. The dead body with its legs curled up on the ground.
She walked back through the pitch black tunnel at a fast pace, refusing to believe any of this was really happening. She didn’t understand.
When she came back out into the den, she looked over at the tunnel opening and covered it up with blankets and other objects from her den, blocking the way till she could only see the top half of the darkened maw. Backing away, she went back into the main room, passing the pens on the ground and the drawing she’d set down earlier. She came out and called Pandora’s name.
She wasn't there. Bria shook her head and jumped up to her ledge, quickly lying down and staring ahead, her brain dull and confused. She dragged the side of her wings’ talon over her face with a small sigh, closing her eyes.
Her mind went back to the two times she’d seen the creatures flying overhead. Then the drawing on the wall. The thing in the middle of everything, it’s mouth wide and screeching at the sky. She hissed, stuck with no idea of what it could possibly be.
“Pandora, where are you?” She whispered angrily.
She kept her eyes closed, letting her face slowly relax. Eventually she fell under the cover of sleep, her strained body getting its short bit of rest.
“C’mon, Bri!!”
A gray and mint Wyvern twirled around with his daughter. It was a clouded and rainy day, water drizzling from the skyhole and outside the entrance. Outside, one could be sure that the Fire, Ice and Poison Wyverns were all tucked away in their homes and dens across the kingdom. The Lightning Wyverns, however, were all in celebration of the beautiful sight of a rainstorm.
The little hatchling was smiling, trying to dance along with her father as he moved around in a circle whilst singing aloud. His tail moved happily back and forth across the ground. Bria jumped up and down around him, her wings and claws tapping against the floor.
Raindrops fell at a steady pace outside, lines of glittering water streaming down and soaking the land. Right by the doorway to their den, the Wyverns' second daughter was sitting down and watching the storming weather with her head resting on her arms. “Pandora, come dance with us,” Their father called.
The sound of rain pattering against the stone was all Pandora could hear. One of her claws were scratching the ground, going around and around in the form of a specific shape. Something like the skeleton of a creature.
“I’m not very good at this,” Bria was saying, her voice young and high-pitched.
“Oh, don’t worry,” Father said, turning his head to her. “Dancing isn’t something you have to be good at. Just have fun while you do it.”
He looked back once more at Pandora, his eyes glistening in worry and confusion. The rain went on.
Bria woke up and lifted her head abruptly, her heart beating and her insides ice cold.
The mobs are flying away from it.
She looked down at the empty ledge below her.
‘Pandora drew it.’
‘How does she know?’
‘How could she know?’
Her eyes moved down to the floor, her pupils trembling back and forth.
‘Why do I feel like I should know?’
‘What is it?’
‘Why would I know?’
In the monotone sky, clouds began to form and gather above her home. They covered the stars and moon and a gust of wind blew through the kingdom. Bria folded her wings around herself in a hug, panting quietly. She stuffed her head into her wings. But it just seemed to get even colder. ‘Something’s coming, somethings happening. What’s going to happen?’
By now she wasn’t sure what to think or do, the sound of her own breathing sounding foreign and louder than she could handle in the silent den.
She tried to still her thoughts and focus. She did know one thing.
She wasn’t going to say anything to Pandora.
A voice spoke softly in her head. It was hers, but there was someone else in there, the voice of her father.
‘You’ll figure this out, Bria. You have to. Stay strong, please.’
She lifted her snout from under her wings, and just then there was a mass of screeching and bellowing from above her den. She inhaled sharply and pulled herself up and ran. She didn’t bother going through the entrance. Flying up to the roof and skyhole and clinging to the rocks with her wings, she shoved herself through, ignoring the stone that scraped hard and painfully against her body. She then looked up, a hostile glare in her purple eyes. The groups of fleeing Pterosaurs went past just as fast as the ones before. ‘Great Vardiland.m
This was the third one now.
The creatures continued to fly on through the midnight sky, and Bria continued to watch them without ever letting them leave her gaze. She watched them the whole time until every last one of them were gone.
‘Figure it out, Bria.’
She didn’t get any sleep for the rest of the night.
These guys are pretty cool, me and a friend tamed one of these just using our raptors and a few tranq darts. And they stay knockout for a pretty long time, we got attacked by a group of carnos after we got it knockout, tamed those came back to the frog fella and then tamed it. Great for transport but bad at combad.
I had 2, a female named killer bean, and a male named helo. I brought them to the swamp to get some cementing paste, and everything was fine. That was, until the three ashole titanoboa attacked. One knocked me out, and when I respawned it said that my frogs were killed by those ashole snakes! I try to take good care of snakes in real life, but in ark, after that incedent, I slaughter every snake I see until they go extinct again. Thanks for reading. One Like=one f for killer bean and helo.
Do not make this mistake: If you want to tame an army of frogs ALWAYS, and I mean ALWAYS carry a bola with you. When I tried taking three without bolas they ran away and when I tried catching them I attracted the whole swamp in the process that almost got me and my Argentavis killed.
Lesson learned: Always carry bolas with you.
All the Light we Cannot See
Chapter 12
The morning sun shined upon Max as he slowly opened his eyes, he expected to see his company but they were gone. Gone forever. Max got up and looked around, even with the rest of his Platoon gone, the trenches were busy, soviet soldiers shouting and vehicles moving. “Hey, get up comrade.” The same Soviet soldier from yesterday said.
Max was already getting up when he saw rows of German soldiers marching through the trenches, unarmed. “W-w-what happened?” Max asked as he kept looking at the Krauts. “Last night there was a raid on the Germans, we were able to take their base camp. Also the names Konstantin, but you can just call me Kostya for short.” Koysta said. Max quickly walked to the medic tent with Kostya behind tagging along.
Andrew was awake, reading a magazine from wherever he founded it. “Hey there bud! How ya doing?” Max asked, trying to sound cheerful, but sounded like an idiot to him on the inside. “Good good, so now what, we’re stuck on this stupid island?” Andrew replied back as he lowered his magazine. “I don’t know, also this is Kostya.” Max introduced, and Kostya just waved at Andrew with a sly smile. Max suddenly got hit by a bright flashing light. Until he saw three different crystal-like shapes.
One was glowing green, another red, and the other green. Max couldn’t move or speak, he was like a frozen man. “How long do we have to suffer from this?” A voice whispered around Max. “Is this the end? Or the end of all of us?” It whispered, suddenly the area changed.
Max was floating in the air, looking below the ground. He saw land breaking apart like mad mens, creatures and humans dropping into the crack, some dying of volcano rocks, others being ripped apart from predators. In the distance, Max could see the same three crystals around it, cracking and slow falling apart piece by piece.
It was like Earth being destroyed, wait no, this isn’t Earth, why else would it be round? Max thought. “Help me young sire, and yet, I could help you.” The voice whispered, suddenly another bright light flashed and he was back. “Ho-how long was I out?” Max asked, he was relieved to speak and move again. “What do you mean?” Andrew said in a funny way that it seemed Max was talking nonsense. “You weren’t out at all, but you keep murmuring about something called the ‘Obelisks’, what are you reading anyways?” Andrew asked.
Max just nodded stupidly and exited the medic tent. “Wait up!” Kostya cried out while running to Max. “There’s something I want to show you.” Kostya said, grabbing his shoulder. Max just groaned and nodded in approval, he was still confused about what happened. Max followed Kostya through the jungle until there was an opening.
There was a large green glowing crystal that Max saw in his dream or whatever, dinosaurs were drinking the lake's water, and the trees surrounding them. And just about there, was a control button stand. “What is this?” Max asked. “I went exploring during the raid, and found this. I believe that not many dinosaurs, if that's what they’re called, live near us because we’re too close to the desert.” Kostya said with a grin. Suddenly gunshots rang out in the jungle and the dinosaurs scattered around, roaring. “What was that?!” Max asked, taking out his rifle. “Move! Fall back!” Kostya said as he took out his rifle and ran through the jungle.
Max tried running after him but the Soviet soldier seemed way faster than the Americans. The gunshots became louder, indicating that something was going after them. First of all, how were they near the desert? Max should have at least spotted it for once, and second. What are these things called ‘obelisks’? Max thought to himself, naming these crystal-like shaped things.
One bullet came so close to Max that he could feel the vibration and heat of the bullet.
“Max, come on!” Kostya shouted, as Soviet troops covered Max. Luckily he was able to make it out alive. “Dumme Deutsche.” Max cursed. “Are you ok Max?” Kostya asked as he rushed to Max. Before he could say anything the ground shooked, until a T-34 Tank fell under the ground.
The ground was cracking in half.
Note: story is in the island abc order, Also overseer chapter 25 is coming soon
Tames a level 90. Called him Baguette. He was my child. We killed broncos together, killed bugs, got chased by tickle chickens. Then, I went afk for 5 seconds, a raptor killed me…..I sprinted back to where he was, still fighting the raptor, yet fall damage took the best of me (we were at griffin mountain).
respawned again. Standing on a rock I saw the whole thing happen. The raptor was killed (Yes go baguette) I whistle him towards me, a raptor races towards him. I quickly craft a bola, but it was too late.
' Your Beelzebufo (lvl 113) was killed by a Raptor '
Baguette will not die in vain. I went on a Raptor hunt, Killed every single one I saw.
^ To pay your respects to Baguette the bravest Boi :(
The Midnight Loner: Episode 1
Onyx paced. Today was the day he was proclaimed a frog and no longer a froglet. The day he had hatched, his mysterious parents had left his egg alone in the stupid nursery. Onyx hated the nursery, all because of one Megaloceros. The nursery was positioned where the Redwoods met the Writhing Swamps. When he had become a tadpole, a Megaloceros named Toffee and her mate, Dawn, had given birth to a baby named Coffee. Onyx hadn't minded that the nursery payed more attention to Coffee, because Onyx was a loner. He didn't want attention. Even before Coffee, the nursery had payed more attention to the baby Paraceratheriums or baby Gigantopithicus. But, once Coffee had been proclaimed a young fawn and no longer a baby, the "I'm better than you's" started. When ever Onyx was playing, Coffee would butt Onyx aside with his antlers and say; "I'm better than you!" One day, Onyx had enough. He clawed Coffee's side and said; "No i'm better than you, and i've had enough of this!" Coffee had dramatically limped away and kept falling over. When Onyx had been proclaimed a frog, Coffee had asked if he wanted to go for a walk in the Redwoods. Onyx said: "No way, Coffee! You're not allowed to leave the nursery! You're not even an adolescent faun yet! You're still a young faun!" Eventually, Coffee convinced him. They walked in the forest, the leaves crunching under their feet. Onyx's body was so lean and skinny, it made him extremly hard to track. Onyx had been running off into the Redwoods since forever now. The nursery hadn't provided him with food, so he'd run into the Writhing Swamps and Redwoods to hunt and eat. Coffee's plump body swayed on the ground. The nursery had always provided Coffee with food, and he'd always ask for thirds. The result? A very plump Megaloceros. The bushes rustled. Coffee put his horns in a defensive position. Onyx filled his mouth with toxin. Coffee had no fighting chance if there was a predator in those bushes. His plump body made him an easy target. They couldn't back down. The creature would see them. A Raptor pounced out of the bushes. The Raptor was more interested in Coffee, because Coffee was plumper, had way better and more meat, had no fighting chance, and was a herbivore. Coffee's blood splashed in Onyx's face. He heard Coffee's painful and final yowl. Onyx stabbed th Raptor frantically, and it fell unconsious. It's unconsious body hit the leafy floor. Onyx checked if Coffee was dead. His body was lifeless. Onyx stabbed the Raptor to death in it's unconsious state. He pulled a fat, black, feather from the Raptor's body. He also pulled a claw ffrom it's toe. He pulled Coffee's antlers off, dropped one at the nursery, and kept one for himself. Onyx knew the Redwoods were too open and dangerous. To survive, he must brave the Writhing Swamps. He grabbed some fiber, bark, leaves and more, and made a strap that fit his body perfectly. He strapped the claw, antler and feather to his body with it, and hopped into the Writhing Swamps. Before he dissapered into the Writhing Swamps, Onyx decided he needed a name for himself, like the people in country songs. Onyx looked at the black feather. It shone like the midnight sky. Then, Onyx knew what he'd call himself. The Midnight Loner. Then he dissapered into the Mangrove trees of the Writhing Swamp.