ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

More Beelzebufo Utility Tips
You all know that Beezebufo is one of the best best cemeting paste Collectors in the game. But it's hard to find some insects around the map. So i would recommend you to go inside the swamp cave with your Beezebufo and kill the insects inside the cave, because there are unbelievible much Magneuras spawning inside.
You should wear a chillie seit and take some healing potions with you so you dont die cause of the gas. I would also recommend to make the swing attack of the Beezebufo instead of the frontal attack because you dont have to aim if you do that.
~ Madara Uchiha
Whoever said there aren’t beaver dams on Genesis, you are wrong. In the Arctic biome, follow the mountain down by the river to the “mission pond” where fishing takes place. Beavers and their dams do spawn there, I have a base near by as an exploit. Upscale this please 👍 sidenote: bugs run from your frog once tamed WHEN you are riding it. If you have it follow on aggro/atk your target you will gather much more cp
Currently breeding an army of these guys. They can cover a lot of ground quickly with their jumps. I haven't even been mutating that long and their melee is over 600%, it can do 1200+ damage x3 with it's secondary attack. I have taken down alpha megs in the ocean and cleared the swamp cave many times with only two needed. On top of that, the gathering efficiency in cementing paste and Chitin is so good that I can fill a vault with cementing paste in 2-3 trips inside the cave. Excellent at gathering leech blood as well because you cannot get leeches on you while on this tame. It also cannot be affected by leeches. EZ pickens. 10/10 tame for any level of the game.