Okay to people who think these are only in the swamp you are wrong so I was just walking down the beach in west 1 when it said dangerous area I thought(is there a raptor nearby?)but no in my final moments I saw a black baryonix (sorry about how I spell I am only 8yrs old)that baryonix attacked me I just stared and ran but it caught me and devoured me then later on I was swimming in south 1 when I saw a dinosaur far away I thought(is that a allosaurus?)but it was a baryonix the only way I found out was I saw a baryonix egg and decided nope because if you steal a egg what is the point of that if you steal it the baryonix adult will track you down and eat you so I walked away .so the point is to never turn your back in a dangerous area in ark survival evolved

is to never turn your back in a dangerous area in ark survival evolved

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