ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Stories Tips
What are some stories about the attack drone? Memorable attack drone stories, wild encounters, and fan fiction.
DODO TALES PERSON, WHAT HAVE WE STARTED? THERES- THERES FANFICTIONERS EVERYWHERE.. JUST LOOK IN THE SNAIL AND WYVERN SECTION.. UH.. PLEASE HELP ME (The new one I would recommend is The Swamp in kapro section its a good storyline and has proper grammar compared to one of the ones in wyvern, a flight threw space I think, ans then A Song of Compys and Gigas is pretty good starting in snail section he even took inspiration from us but mostly you lel, idc your the best and most popular fanfictioner out there id say),
*confused screaming*
Fanfictioners I know.
DT: the most popular.
Bob: the quote dude with the second most poular.
Seasnake: the third most popular with the longest story of everyone. Also is often underestimated by fanfictioners and viewers alike.
The Nazgûl(me): The guy with the name no one can pronounce and they guy who spammed basilosaurus with quotes. Add anything you wish.
- The Nazgûl
A song of compys and gigas ( chap 11 )
It’s almost morning. The crowd looks up to bob on the stage.They all are looking for an answer. They want to hear why they are fighting and what they are going to die for. Bob is the speaker. He has carefully thought of the words he will say. “My brave comrades”. Bob begins, “ Today is the day. The day we begin the war. The war that will put your courage, bravery and loyalty to the test. We fight for freedom. Freedom form the overlords who think they control us!”. Some in the crowd shout “GLORY TO LIBERITY! GLORY TO FREEDOM!”. Bob then looks at them. “YOU SEE THAT?!?” he yells at the crowd. “THIS IS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT! UP THERE ON THE VOLCANO LIES THE TYRANT. HE DOES NOT CARE ABOUT US. HE JUST CONTROLS US! TODAY WE WILL SHOW OUR MIGHT. THE MIGHT OF A THOUSAND MEN! WE WILL SHOW THEM. WHAT FREEDOM REALLY IS!” The crowd erupts into cheers. Then bob adds “alrighty. Move out!” The army then packs up and begins the march north. To the volcano.
It's been a wonderful journey creating Dodo Tales season one, but now that its story has come to a good temporary stopping point, it's time to move on. The Chronicles of Corruption will be written in the Snail section soon. Huge thank you to everyone that supported me and thanks to Seasnake for helping me gather the courage and inspiration to write. I don't want to joke around right now, because this is important. Corrin will temporary take the spotlight from Jerry, Ares, and Rick (also Eden 🥺). AND YES I DID READ THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA, OK? DON'T JUDGE MY NEW CHARACTER'S NAME. Thank you, and please go read the next episodes and try to finish the story before I begin the new one.
-😉 have a great day.
Dodo Tales guy
Live Or Die
Chapter 7: On The Third Day, Jesus Rose Again
Turns out I’m living proof that even the dead will rise again. Huh. Living… barely. When I finally woke, my head was on Ruby’s lap and she was running her fingers through my hair. I didn’t know it was her at first, since I was blinded by the sun, but her squeal of worry and relief when I moved my head told me everything I needed to know. I stopped struggling and rest my head on her lap again. I could feel her pulse, her breathing. I needed this moment.
“Isiah!! I can’t believe it! You woke up! I thought…”
“My… Eye…” I barely managed. Surprisingly, the maroon mess that I rembered my right eye to be was gone. My eye was still there, but it was clean. It stung if I moved it, but it worked.
“Oh- right! I cleaned your eye. Your scar got bigger- it goes from above your eyebrow to your cheek.” I looked around a bit as my sight returned, and saw a large lake next to a large, flat, open plain, and the whole scene was enclosed by cliffs with a few pathways sloping in leading to the daunting forest where I assume our brawl took place. We were on the bank of the lake, and I saw Ruby’s caring face looking down on me.
I heard the *CLIP* *CLIP* *CLIP* of Dagger rushing over to me, buring his head into my side and rolling over next to me, purring as he did so. I stroked his side and saw Violette wake from behind Ruby, and I wondered where the others were.
“Where are the others?” I said as I sat up. Ruby smirked, tilted her head to the other side and crossed her legs.
“They’re looking about the forest, probably hunting. I washed your face and cleaned your wounds and took care of you for the past few days. Madré and the unnamed raptor were killed.”
“Oh… How long was I out?”
“About 3 days.”
“3 days!?” I exclaimed. Ruby gave a nervous laugh and followed it with a nervous grin. Dagger propped his head up and looked at me, a little startled. Violette looked about. I stood up and Ruby followed. I took in a deep breath of the fresh air, listening to the sound of the lapping water. I smiled as the scent of the jungle welcomed me back.
By the time the others got back, it was dusk. I watched the gang return on the back of their raptors, and was greeted by a flurry of voices.
“He’s alive!”
“Welcome back, kiddo.”
“You survived. Good to see!”
“Hey guys! I’m alive.” I responded, spreading my arms open and heard Ruby giggle behind me. They hopped off their raptors and walked over. We gathered in a huddle, where we all caught up. After a bit of chatting, the rapidly setting sun moved our conversation to where we’ll sleep tonight. Ruby told me about the spot she stayed with me in while I was unconcious, and the others explained about their spot on an elevated portion of land. Ruby took me to a small spot near the edge of a cliff, maybe 40-50 yards from where I woke up from. There was a pile of rocks, and an opening big enough to fit maybe 2 raptors in, but they couldn’t crawl in through the small gap that was the entrance. So, it was just me and Ruby with a small sliver of moonlight to illuminate the small room. I was nervous of what the night could bring, and with Dagger and Violette sleeping with the other raptors, we had only our bows and a quiver of arrows between us. I felt the cold stone floor, but Ruby cirled up beside me and locked her fingers round my chest, and burried her head into my side. My heart suddenly pounded and she felt it.
“Hey… Are you ok? Your heart just-“
“Yeah, don’t worry about me. So, I’ve been sleeping here like this the whole time?”
“Yeah… just me and you… Oh- sorry!” she started to unwrap her hands from around me but I caught them and put them back.
“No, no. I like it.” She had such a soothing grip, I didn’t want to let her go. I didn’t want her to let go, and neither did she. It just proved how desperate for safety we all were… Ruby fell asleep, but I was wide awake with thought. I didn’t move incase I woke her. I realised that we needed shelter- somewhere for the raptors and us to live in, and we had everything we needed here. I drifted off at that thought.
The moon was at its apex, and that’s when I heard footsteps. Not any footsteps. THE footsteps. *THUD*. I knew that thud. *THUD*. I am awake. I’m not dreaming. *THUD*. the floor vibrated. I woke Ruby. *THUD*. *THUD*. I gulped.
“Hey… Wh-“ *THUD*. “Is that?-“ *THUD*. She was wide awake and wide-eyed. She clung to my arm. We shuffled over to the opening. *THUD*. *THUD*. The crimson scar of the Rex’s face glistened in the moonlight, the rest of its jet-black face was barely visible against the darkened night. It sniffed twice, raised its head and walked off. *THUD*. *THUD*. *THUD*.
“Retribution… He’s called Retribution.” I said as Retribution walked off into the night. Ruby clung to my side and we settled down in the cave. We drifted off with Retribution on our minds…
-Next chapter in Carnotaurus!! Nightfall
Dodo Tales update:
The prequel will be called:
*Drum roll*
The Chronicles of Corruption! This is because they are about the corruption of Jerry's Ark, and Fe- I mean the villain's rise to power! They might have a slightly different style of writing, so don't be surprised. They will be made after S1 is finished....Probably. the main character will be named, Corrin, but he goes by a different name afterwards 😉😉😉.
HuRrIcAnE iS bEtTeR ThAn StOrM
-Dodo Tales guy
(Still waiting for Storm to be used as a pinata 😉)
How about you make your nickname the same name as your main character. As in my case bob is my main character. Bob is my nickname. Bob was also the name of my guy on the sever witch the story is based on. But that’s just me. And also dodos are not stuipd. Dodos are gods! After the war on my sever there was a mandatory thing we had to do where everyone had to have a high priest dodo to worship.- bob
Also I wanted to say that I’m thinking of writing a prequel to a song of compys and gigas titled “where the rivers run red” when the first story is completed. I was also going to maybe ask if we could all maybe do a crossover series one day? Just putting the idea out there- bob
Bob, I don't like "Dodo" because Dodos were known for being stupid, and I would take it as an insult. I don't like "Dodo guy" because of the same issue, and what the heck would I name myself other than that? I'm stuck with Dodo Tales guy/person for now I guess. Also Seasnake is not at all related to the stories he/she makes, so if I had a name it would probably be completely random.
-i have none
-I need suggestions
-not In the name suggestions
-but just In the story section
-seasnake how did you do it??
-stop laughing
-this isn't funny, ok?
-get me out of here
-Hurricane is underrated
-it's true
-you can't deny it
-end this
-save me please
-you can only save me by making Hurricane get to marry vein at the end
-for real
-for real
-ok fine, not for real
-i can't be the only one who thinks that
-come on Bob, agree with me on this one
-im running out of words
-you know how to end the crystal lands
-with Storm crying in the corner
-im out of words
-HuRrIcAnE iS bEtTeR ThAN StOrM
-truer words have never been spoken
-Hurricanes deserve rights too
-yes they do
-yes they do
-you know they do
-I will never write again if you dont end it like that
-JK I'm not that mean
-I'm not lying
-still like storm more?
-a Hurricane is a type of storm,
But a storm, is not a type of hurricane
-you need to give Hurricane more dialogue and care
-you want me to shut up and talk about my own stories?
-well too bad
-I will once Hurricane gets married to Vein and becomes the KING OF THE UNIVERSE
-hey, stop
-why are you dragging me away
-once Hurricane gets m-
-bye bye bye bye bye
-got to go
-have a nice day writing about Hurricane
-wink wink
-because he's gonna get married
-I don't care what you say
-he's gonna be king
-he'll beat the crap out of the crystal queen, you just wait and see
-and then they'll be using Storm as a pinata, for their wedding
-bye (you know what to do)
-I should be a comedian someday
-make Hurricane king
-i will do ANYTHING
-I'll make a story about dirt if I have to
-what are you waiting for?
-get to it
-i will attend their wedding
-all I have to do is jump in quicksand
-and walk like 100 miles
-I will take a car
-then I can make the journey
-i will attend their wedding
-just make a random Dodo at the wedding
-(it will be me in disguise)
-I'll become Hurricanes best friend
-so I can beat Storm with a stick
-he will be the pinata
-if none of this happens
-I will be the one crying in
-the corner
-make it happen
-or I could jump off a cliff and be -reincarnated as a crystal Wyvern
-Beat the crap out of Storm
-and then be Hurricane's new friend
-here we go