ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Taming & KO Tips

How do I tame a attack drone? Tips and strategies on taming and knocking out a attack drone.
The person saying you can hijack it with a Tek controller is a fraud! There is no such thing as a Tek controller!
TEK controller is probably a mod
I wish you can actually kinda tame it by hijacking it with a electric based weapon of some sort (electric prod or lightning wyvern) and then you can reprogram it (Wildcard we need a tek laptop too or just use the implant I guess) and then you reprogram it to follow your orders. This is only a suggestion. Not a fact.
The cheat to taming this is get up and hit the power button on your console
These guys fall apart like soggy spaghetti after one or two shots from a fabricated sniper. Spawns in during final boss fight.
A bronto with it's tail wipe kills them fast.
It’s favourite food is force tame
Immune to forcetame.
Bruv is that enough words????
Immune to forcetame.
A hElPfUl TiP sHoUlD iNcLuDe A fEw MoRe WoRdS.
What is this?
They are tamable in the lunar biom via tranq but they are glitched on console and are invisible.
Just a good old force tame works fine
You can actually tame them just knock with tranqs and fill with meat anti rude but ark hasn’t patched this yet weird huh
If you want to know what it looks like it’s a ant with wings
You can actually tame it, knock it out then feed it allo kibble... it actually works. Test for yourselves
There is such thing as a tek controller but does it work no
Hat it with a club it should get knocked out
If you could tame:
!: To tame an Attack Drone, you must destroy its weapons.
I think you can build them instead of taming them, just like the enforcer. Im on playstaition and have built one of them once myself so it can not be a mod.
forcetame is a admin command you can do it with anything not sure about king titan though and you can’t ride death worms 🐛 but you can tame one
It's favorite food is force-tame