How I tamed a level 145 Argy in ARK Nintendo Switch in Ragnarok

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How I tamed a level 145 Argy in ARK Nintendo Switch in Ragnarok

Chapter Number One

How I found and trapped it

So I flew to Argy lake (the lake with ridges and of course Argys)

and saw a level 145 Female Argy so I went back to my 1st base and made 4 wooden dino gate frames and 2 wooden dino gates then flew back to Argy lake and went on a big ridge and put the dino gate frames and dino gates and flew right in front of it's face to aggro it and did so I flew to the big ridge and tried and tried and tried and tried to get it in but instead it fights my pteradon (thankfully my pteradon was a high level and no one died or had serious injuries) and I tell it to go on the other side of the ridge and it did and shot her to follow me and trap it.

Chapter Number Two

How I tamed and used the Argy

I shot it 20+ times in the head and knocked it out and put 120 raw meat and 100 narcotics in her inventory and watched a 20 min video and tamed it and put it at my 1st base and hunted like 10000000000

Turtles and 1 Horseshoecrab thing to get the materials for the saddle

and hunted down every thing I saw to get keratin and stone and more stuff to make a lot of stuff that you can only get with high levels all thanks to my Argy.

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