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Use a Baryonyx, use the gene scanner to locate them and kill the low level ones until a high level one spawns. A Baryonyx is also very good for killing other things attacking the archelon including the Cnidaria if you can handle doing a tail Whip at just the right time and it's at an ok time such that if it fails and your kicked off for while the baryonyx unstuns and kills them. Pull the high level ones on to land. On the centre there are small island with nothing them. Set the baryonyx on passive and low follow. The archelon will want to attack the baryonyx and will chase it. Now run around positioning your self behind it and to one side so it's constantly turning while chasing the baryonyx. Because of it large slow turning rate it won't catch up with the baryonyx and you will run have it running in circles in a safe spot while you run along side it taming it. If it hits the baryonyx it won't affect the tame. Just don't hit it back.

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