ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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Ark: Object of Extinction
Chapter One: Liftoff
3078 AD. Humanity has advanced in the last millennia. Guns are a thing of the past. Countries rely on the brute destruction of nuclear bombs to crush their enemies. Only seven countries survived a little incident the government likes to call, The Purge. The Purge took place in 2045. On April 14th 2045(now Arnu 7th 2045) The USA and The UK(now TUR, The United Republic) teamed up, and created over 200 nuclear missiles. (Only 25 of which actually detonated correctly) The United Republic then launched the nuclear missiles across Africa, South America, Asia, and Australia. Seventy five percent of Europe was wrecked by earthquakes originating from the nuclear bombs impact. Not long after that, TUR gained control over the last seven countries, Russia, The USA, The UK, Germany, The remains of Western Australia, Egypt, and Canada. Which then brings us to present day Britain, Arnu 7th, 3078. The 1033 anniversary of The Purge, and according to TUR’s scientists, the end of the world.
A thick fog hung in the air. It felt as if I was underwater, nearly choking me. Nevertheless I stood alongside my fellow officers. The civilians stood right beside the platform that we stood on. Which made their screaming and hollering a lot harder to drown out. “Next.” The announcer called. The line shuffled forward. The officer behind me looked to the side, a long row of white pods sat there, waiting to be launched. “You really believe they’re going to let us on these?” He asked. “They seem to be letting the ones ahead of us in, so there’s a fifty percent chance we’ll get in. Hopefully.” I replied. “Next.” The announcer called again. The line moved forward. A hissing sound arose. Followed by a loud bang. More smoke shot around us. “I swear I just saw another civilian drop dead in that crowd.” The officer behind me commented. “Better them then us.” I said. “You don’t really believe that, do you?” The officer asked. I shrugged. I heard the officer sigh. “I’m Ethan, by the way.” The officer said. “Percival.” I replied. “Next.” The announcer said. It was our turn now. I stepped into the waiting pod, and sat in a chair. Ethan walked in. He sat down across from me. Now that he wasn’t behind me, I got a better look at him. He was young, probably still a cadet. He had curly brown hair, bright green eyes and the official blue TUR uniform. Four other officers climbed in, and sat down. The pod door hissed closed. The automated voice started counting down, “LIFT OFF IN FIVE… FOUR… THREE… TWO… ONE…”
Extinction filter, ABC order.(Excluding Achatina and Allosaurus.)
Chapter 4
Talon steps. Faraway voices. Hollow blinked awake. He was lying on his side in an empty den, his head throbbing and his wounds hot with pain. He lifted his head, wondering how he’d gotten here. His vision was blurred, and he vigorously rubbed his good eye with his palm. Yep, alone. He struggled helplessly to his feet, slowly heading to the opening that led outside.
“Oh wow, you’re awake!” Said a voice as he stepped out into the sun, which very helpfully blinded him some more. There was a rush of scales and a dark ginger/maroon raptor came over to him.
“Hello, Thunder,” Hollow said vacantly. Thunder was one of the few raptors he’d grown up with, since they shared close hatchings. He was a bit taller than Hollow and very good at fighting, but was personally uninteresting.
“Glad you’re alright,” Thunder was saying. “I was half afraid the hit had been a bit too hard.”
“Wait, what?” Hollow blinked the haze away and managed to turn to Thunder. “Are— It was you who did that?”
“Well, if I hadn’t, Dusk definitely would have,” Thunder said defensively, lifting his talons. “And you would be in much worse condition if it were him.”
“Yeah, thanks so much, I feel much better now,” Hollow hissed to him.
“Um, I don’t think you do, by the looks of it,” Thunder said.
Hollow scoffed, fluffing out his feathers and turning to look at the scratches on his shoulder. It was a little past morning, and fortunately he didn't appear to be bleeding anymore. At the sound of voices he turned his head and Thunders eyes widened, his back talon thumping rapidly against the ground for a moment.
Tail and Finch, the two others from there litter (Though not related), were coming towards them. “Hi, Thunder!” Tail said, coming over and pushing at him lightheartedly. He let out a small “Oof” sound and deftly pinned her to the ground in one quick shove. “Good morning, Tail,” he said as he held her down. “And F-finch. A good morning, right? Very good morning of today.”
Finch nodded, smiling slightly. Thunder let Tail back up and stared at Finch in awe, and Hollow glanced at her as well.
Finch was oddly beautiful, Thunder was smart enough to see that, at least. Her scales were a deep cocoa brown with raw salmon colored flecks, and she had one white talon and yellow eyes. Hollow looked quickly away, shuffling one leg on the ground.
“You having fun licking your wounds, Hollow log?” Tail asked. Finch rolled her eyes and sat down as a growl escaped Hollow’s throat.
“Don’t call me Hollow log!” He barked.
“Hey, hollow log like the log you got your head stuck in when we were hatchlings?” Thunder asked Hollow vacantly. Hollow hissed at him.
“That’s why you got your name, right?” Thunder continued.
Hollow didn't bother replying to him. “I’m gonna go hunt or something,” He sighed in a disgruntled tone, stepping past them.
Finch nudged him with her tail kindly. “Just ignore it,” she said.
“I ignore everyone,” Hollow replied, though his bitter gaze softened as brushed past her. He looked back at Finch for a moment, before sprinting out of camp.
“What a stick in the mud,” Tail said as Hollow left. “I can’t believe we shared a den with him for moons.”
“Well, Thunder was there to stop us from ripping him to shreds.” Finch said, smiling at the burgundy colored Raptor . He blinked his orange eyes shyly, letting out a lame chuckle. Two hatchlings ran past them, one wielding a stick in her mouth and scraping the end of it along the ground slowly. The other called directions as they went and drew an undecipherable shape around the three older Raptors.
Dusk had gone out hunting alone early this morning. Finch had asked if she could go with him, but he had declined and said he wanted to be alone. She looked down at her talons sadly. It was just her and her father sometimes, out of the sixteen other raptors here. She had never met her mother, who had gone missing along with Dusk’s good friend Bur when Finch was just a few days old.
Dusk never talked about them.
She stood back up, looking out at the trees towering overhead and the bright sunlight shining down. It was warm, probably one of the last warm days they’d see before all the leaves fell and the days got colder.
“Hey, Sand!” Tail called. “You wanna come out of camp with us?”
“Not really,” Sand called back honestly, his voice hoarse from his tussle yesterday.
“I’m gonna stay here, too.” Thunder said. “I promised Rift I’d help her watch her hatchlings.”
Tail shrugged and wheeled around, gesturing for Finch to follow. They padded past the dens, spotting a small puddle on a ledge that had collected the rain from last night. They each took a small drink and climbed out of the clearing.
“Maybe we’ll scent those Raptors again,” Tail said as they walked.
“I’ll race you to the drop-off and we’ll see!” Finch said, quickly running forwards and into the trees. Tail leapt after her.
They ran through the forest and to the ending borderline of trees, where the ground fell abruptly downward into a valley. Otherwise known as the drop-off. They sniffed the air and Tail peered down the valley, stretching her body and neck as far as it could go as she looked down.
Birds chirped and squabbled quietly from the trees overhead, only to be startled out of the branches as Tail slipped and yelled aloud, her voice echoing loudly through the forest. She tipped forwards, nearly falling face-first into the pit as she lost her balance. Finch was quick to grab her friend's tail in her jaws and yank her back.
Tail stood slowly and they stared at the edge. Finch didn’t know for sure, but she guessed that it would be hard climbing back out if one were to fall down there. “You’re welcome,” she said. She made her voice oddly accented as she continued. “We must be careful, dear friend, no one wants a flattened Raptor at the bottom of the rocks~”
“Yeah, yeah,” Tail said, shaking herself vigorously and unruffling her feathers. Finch shook her own feathers and sat down, looking out at the valley and deeper part of the forest where no one ventured. A beam of sunlight escaped through the canopy and filtered down.
Finch found herself thinking of her father as she inhaled the strange scents on the breeze that came from the valley. She curled her tail around her body and wondered if maybe Bur and her mother were somewhere out there, far away in the forest.
The ARKS: Scorched Earth. SE0.5
Dave was having a blur, coming into this land after a basically haven back at the other "island" place, he really knew that it wasn't an island, but not a SPACE STATION in ORBIT AROUND THE EARTH. But it's not warm anymore... it's freezing, really. His eyes start to clear up, his vision starts to focus. No wonder he was cold, he was in the middle of space traveling at hypersonic speeds through rings and debris. What he could also see while traveling this fast was the Earth was not what it looked like. Instead of a lush, green, blue landscape, it's covered in a layer of desert and scarred sand, much like a war-torn desert. But there was no war though, from not what he could see. It was too late now, as his vision started to fog up again and his focus turning back to a blur. He was starting anew...
* * *
He found himself somewhere, he couldn't see, he could barely feel anything, his appendages were numb after that experience, but he still felt "something". His heart was beating, but barely staying stable. Was he in Purgatory? Did he die for real? Nope. As his vision begins to clear up and focus for the second time he remembers at this moment. He sees a screen. Small hexagonal holograms drifting in the background. He's somewhere not on the surface, but perhaps, suspended in the air. He looks around, nothing holding it up, like it weighs nothing, there's sky all around, it's a frightening yet intriguing sight. But he was getting a little distracted, so he turns his energy back at the screen, it looks basically the same as the one on the Island, so he tries poking it. It has a surface, so it's not a weird ghost screen. Then, it pops up a new yet familiar interface, a Spawn Screen, he was greeted with these many times back there at the other space station. He is hesitant. Does he even know this place at all? For a chance, he could even be back on the Island. But he decides to pick M3, cuz why not. He stops again, at the Respawn sign. It's a hard decision, either spend his time up here by himself, or spend days and days on a ruthless, toasty desert. But he's probably going to get bored up here really fast, so Dave chooses the Respawn icon
The floor disappears. Dave is suddenly now in free-fall. He never really went skydiving, aside from that weird dream where he was in this "The Survival of the Fittest" game thing in his dream, but he tried nonetheless. It didn't really go so well since the ground was significantly closer than what Dave had thought of and smacked straight into the ground.
Dave woke up on his back, even though he clearly-ish remembered that he fell on his chest. His senses came first, then eyes, ears, then nose. The senses were overwhelming. The scarring heat of the sand and sun beating down on him. The flashbang in the sky covering his view. The weird buzzing and war cries of many different creatures in his vicinity. And the smell of... sweet cactus? Oh and some oil, and sand, of course, and the tiniest molecule of water. Oh man was this going to be EXTRAORDINARILY harder for this lone survivor (give or take a couple)
~ CPG, this is probably just another little side thing I do until like the 10th installment and abandon it
Life Before
Chapter Four: The Mission
Connor blinked and saw her eyes were normal. “How about We give you the tour.” Talia suggested. Peter didn’t seem happy about this. Connor stood up and they led him through the base. At the very end of the tour they entered the control room. “This is our command center. What we do here is… command….?” Talia said, unsure. “This is our commander, Lieutenant Jackson.” Talia motioned towards a man in what looked like SWAT armor. The man held a shotgun. “Hallo.” The man said. “I am ze zupreme commander of zis here aircraft.” Jackson said. He seemed to have Russian-like accent. “Ve are currently hovering over Berlin, Germany. Where our stealth pilot, Jonathan vill attempt to fly from Berlin to Paris in under two hours. Vith our advanced hovercraft, ve shall be able to get their before him. His mission is to collect data vith his satellite dish. Ze German government iz zending coded mezzages secretly to ze American government. Ve hope to collect these and decipher zem, and get aboard zat Ark. Velcome to ze team Connor!” Jackson said.
Go to Araneo for next chapter.
Yours Truly,
I’m taming a lvl 60 anky. Female red. I made a whole trap to knock it out. I hit it it follows me and stops over and over again. Then I accidentally knock it put . I made trap cuz I’m in swamp and don’t want no sarcos and such eating it. So wish me luck. One up= good luck. First anky.
I had an Ankylo named Anky. (My tribe mate named him.) We were out getting metal so everyone in our tribe could get a pistol. We were getting metal easily, when suddenly 4 raptors and an alpha raptor attacked us from behind. He provided a distraction for me to escape. I escaped, but Anky didn't make it. He is honered by my tribe for saving me and providing us with metal and companionship.
#R.I.P. Anky
• Chapter 3 •
Pandora lifted her head, drinking in the scents of the cool morning air. The blue Obelisk glowed far off in the distance, encircled by the white peaks of the Mountains.
Her tail flicked. Black eyes stared ahead as she walked, padding down the hill and skidding to a slow stop on the pebbled ground of the river. She looked up at the gorge and the Wyverns flying above, then down at her talons and arms. She tucked them under her and sighed.
A talon grabbed her tail briskly. She whipped her head around. “Hey,” She exclaimed firmly.
Three Wyverns stood behind her, with the one who’d grabbed her tail in the front. He narrowed his eyes playfully. “Would ya look at that. It’s the freak.”
Pandora stared at them, her white pupils small slits. The Wyvern’s scales were a mix of musky greens, his head crowned with the classic frill of a Poison Wyvern. The other two were Ice Wyverns. One was smiling maliciously and the other stayed fixed in the back, looking anxious.
Small, strange talons scuffled on the ground as Pandora stood and glared at the first Wyvern blankly. The second Wyvern circled around as her tail was released. She stayed in place silently.
“She’s… just like you said, Nor,” The dragon standing behind said. Nor glanced back at him and then at Pandora.
Pandora growled deep in her throat, staying silent as usual.
“Just look at her wings,” The female Wyvern said, deftly grabbing one of Pandora’s wings and lifting it in her talons. “So strange and fragile. They look like they could just break.” Her claws dug into the edge of her wing abruptly as she spoke.
Pandora yelled aloud and yanked her wing out of her grasp, whipping around and rearing upwards with talons extended. But then Nor was there, quickly grabbing both of her wrists with his wings.
“And we can’t forget about these,” He said, tipping his head to look at her talons. “These… Things.”
“Like you’re some kind of fourleg,” He growled, looking into Pandora’s eyes.
“Go away, Nor,” Pandora said quietly.
“Let’s just leave, guys,” The white-colored Ice Wyvern was saying. “C’mon.”
“Be quiet, Gull,” the other Ice Wyvern snapped. Gull scrunched up his face and turned his head away stubbornly.
“No, he’s right. Let’s go.” Nor said, letting go of Pandora. She pulled back her talons, flexing them slightly and looking up as Nor turned away.
“Ugly dragon,” The second dragon hissed. “Doesn’t even look like a Lightning Wyvern.”
Pandora clenched her talons into fists, her tail twitching.
Nor flicked at her and Gull for them to follow, twisting his head to look at Pandora one more time.
“Later, freak.”
Bria squeezed through two smooth boulders, landing with a small thump into her home. “Pandora, you here?” She called kindly.
There was a pause, and her sisters head poked from around the corner. Bria padded further inside to see that Pandora had already lit the candles in the small crevice above them, lighting up the room dimly. Bria shook the dust of her back talons and went over to greet her sister, tapping their snouts gently together.
“You’re back,” Pandora said quietly, her expression calm and blank, as usual.
“Yeah. Got caught up with my friends. We brought a whole river full of fish back to the palace for the other hunters.” Bria went over and climbed up onto her ledge, smoothing out the rough blue and brown blanket before laying down on it.
“Did you bring any back?” Pandora asked.
“Oh, right! I left them outside,” Bria said, sitting back up.
“I’ve got it,” Pandora told her, going outside and coming back a few moments later with three fish in her abnormal talons. She set them down and packed one up to start gnawing on.
“What did you do today?” Bria asked her.
At first it seemed like Pandora hadn’t heard her. The dusky grey-purple and yellow Wyvern chewed on the fish for a bit, before finally answering. “I went down to the river.” Her tone was so flat and straightforward, but Bria had gotten used to how Pandora tended to speak. “I saw another cool rock.”
“Cool.” Bria replied. “You should show me tomorrow.”
“I will,” Pandora said, pulling off the fish’s tail.
“Oh! I uh, I got something for you,” Bria said avidly, remembering. She jumped down and went over to get her bag, before pulling out a little box. Pandora perked her head, looking slightly interested.
Bria went over to Pandora and sat down next to her, handing her the box. Her sister took it gently, pulling the top off and revealing two talon-made rings inside. Her eyes brightened slightly.
“They are very skrunkly,” Pandora observed, smiling just a tiny bit. Bria knew this meant she was overjoyed. She grinned and leaned against her.
“I knew you’d like them.”
They sat there like that for a long moment, just the two of them together.
Moon Tales
Season 1 - Episode 7
The raptors began to chitter and whatever at the two and Blake quickly reached for his weapon and pulled out a shotgun and then blasted them all away, killing them instantly. Blake began to reload his gun and Andromeda stared at the dead raptor bodies peculiarly.
“Dude if it was that easy killing them why were you freaking out back there” Andromeda asked Blake shrugged “no reason”
Andromeda was still suspicious of Blake. She did not like Blake she would have preferred to be with John, the silly goof-off who was too naive to think worse of someone. Blake gave some strange vibes to her and he was overall a strange man in general. Andromeda wished there were some other woman on the island to relate with but there seemed to be none.
Eventually they reached a part of the island where it was much hotter than usual there was a lot more jungle and overall it was a lot more humid and there were plenty more creatures but that didnt matter. What mattered was gathering intel on Phoenix Clan.
The two trekked further into the jungle with their gallis and eventually they heard some talking
“hey did you hear that there were less people spawning on the island recently?”
“Quick hide in a bush” Andromeda said. The two jumped into a bush and quickly brought the gallis deeper into the forest so they wouldnt be found
“yeah i did, its a shame really because were running low on manpower” another voice replied
So there were two of them
Eventually two people dressed in a strange cloth armor waltzed by them, they had a few strange beasts with huge clubbed tails walking behind them they had bags tied to the beasts that seemed to slow them down
“I bet it’s Moon Clan’s fault” the first voice considered “they were messing around with the terminal at the Volcano and now nobody is able to land here anymore”
“Yeah man it sucks we havent even been able to take back the green obelisk and transfer back to the desert… were in for a long ride”
The two eventually got out of sight their conversation indistinct. Andromeda and Blake got out of the bushes and Blake had a mad look on his face
“ok that was weird but should we follow them now?” Andromeda asked Blake nodded
“Yeah we should…”
Hello my name is Moon Tales Girl and this was the seventh episode of the first season of my story called Moon Tales I really hope you enjoyed and got a bit curious about more of the tribes around the island that’s one thing is that most survivor stories dont really talk about that which is kinda bad writing but anyway ill see you soon in the next section aka Araneo
A question for the time: which of the four elements would you rather control fire water wind or earth?
He was asleep
He was happy
He ate berries
He loves rocks
Never dared to break one
Till he was tamed
He was forced to
He was hit with a whip
Made outta tek
He cried every night
Till a other tribe came
They heard of the abuse
They saved the anky
He was released in the wild
He was happy again!