So, you wanna tame an Andrewsarchus, huh? Here's how.

Step 1: Find a rock with a beehive in it, and harvest the honey with a pickaxe.

Step 2: Find the Andrewsarchus you wanna tame.

Step 3: Put the honey in your hotbar. If you're using a stack mod, make sure to only assign one jar of honey to each slot. I made the mistake of assigning over 800 honey I gathered and lost all of it when the Andrewsarchus ate it.

Step 4: Maintain a distance and throw the jar of honey onto the ground near the Andrewsarchus you want to tame. It should walk towards it and begin eating it.

Step 5: While the Andrewsarchus is busy eating the honey, run up to it and press the interaction button to mount it. It will begin a minigame.

Step 6: Use the directional buttons to turn in the direction the on-screen arrow is pointing (A & D for PC, but if you're on console, just move the left stick in the direction it's pointing).

Step 7: Pay attention to the red bar underneath the taming bar. That's the Andrewsarchus' rage meter. If it fills up all the way, you'll get thrown off, and the Andrewsarchus will aggro onto you, losing a bit of taming effectiveness. To prevent this, get the rage meter as close as you can to full WITHOUT COMPLETELY FILLING IT, then hop off before it's completely filled, and the Andrewsarchus will not aggro. You also won't lose taming effectiveness.

Step 8: Repeat steps 4-7 until it's tamed.

Boom! You have an Andrewsarchus. Hope this helped.

More Andrewsarchus Taming & KO Tips