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Lamp news

Welcome back to lamp news everyone, there hasn’t been many topics at the moment, but now there is! Well, let’s get started!

Shadow has finally died, and now the dangerous cat is going to kill you, if you make her angry! RUN, HIDE, SHE WONT GIVE UP ON KILLING YOU!

Apex told me he’s giving lots of free candy at his cave, what a nice turn for a destructive person! He probably has every candy in existence, so show up at his cave for candy!

Roll the ads because I said so!

(Ad) How do you eat your apples, are you doing it right? Well, we’ll tell you if you are, here’s a link to our website: HTTPS/:thisprobablyisntareallinksojustgoawaybecauseyouneedshowerbecauseyoustinky/applehoweat?!?!?/h

(Ad) haha funny, I just wasted your time on this ad!

Well, that’s everything important, and also you should let my fish into your house to protect you, they won’t steal or kill you!

It seems we can’t do a moths and monke right now

-News Reporter Lamprey

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