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Lamp news

Welcome back to Lamp news, I know its been a while, but it’s because of been busy with my kingdom, and not only that bad grammar ghost is trying to kill each different employee in a different way! I gave him to Lolbit. Anyways, let’s start with the news!

I’ve got the sea king’s mark, so now I’m the ruler of the ocean! All fish will listen to me, and leviathan! Not too sure about the kraken… That reminds me of the next topic!

I’ve given WWT and her friends a quest, a quest to get a krakens shard! Will the brave WWT and her friends accept this perilous quest and retrieve a kraken’s shard, or will they be cowards and deny the quest? Who knows!

Now for the ads!

(Ad) Ocean ruler Lamprey has made his own cereal, “Kraken’s bite!” What is kraken’s bite you might ask? It has small tentacle marshmallows, and many more sea creature marshmallows, along with healthy ones that aren’t marshmallows, which is every healthy thing in a cereal. Buy now for 9.99 a box! (They come in big boxes)

(Ad) do you want to see other news than Lamp news? Probably not, but there’s other news in silver dye, dunky saddle, and much, much more!

There’s all the ads out of the way, and you should try “Kraken’s bite!”

Now for moths and monkeys!

“Here we have silky, the silk moth! Look at the cute thing! And oh, there’s his friend, Poly the Polyphemus moth!”

Well, that’s all folks, come back later!

-News reporter Lamprey

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