ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

The only reason people would look at water tips is because of scorched earth
More Water Tips
What are you looking for? Tips on how to drink water?
You need 500 metal
200 stone
And 5 water
To make water
Water……is water
Water……is water
Water……is water
Anyone wonder why we can drink from the ocean?
I agree with the person that said “what are you looking for, tip on how to drink water?” Up that comment
How to identify buffs/debuffs:
Stomach: either hungry (food below I think 30) or starving (food at 0, you may not gain stamina, you start losing health)
Water drops: Thirsty (water below 30) or Dehydrated (water 0, start losing Health, may not gain Stamina, start gaining torpidity)
Snowflake: Cold, you will start losing food faster
Melting snow brick: freezing, you start losing health and hunger starts to decrease significantly or it is a cave I think. Hibernation ability from snow owl, makes you cold but allows you to regain tons of hp
Wind: there is windy weather outside
Small flame: Hot: water starts going down faster, nothing else
Large flame: Overheating: you start losing health, Sunstroke effect starts to appear, water drains at significant pace
Large red flame: Heatwave weather, temperature skyrockets
Man panting: Winded, you have no stamina, stamina bar turns red
Shield: Basilo Insulation, Tent Insulation both increases hypo/hyperthermic insulation
Foot running: Race: only available during races
Web: webbed by Araneo, you cannot jump, you move slower
Poisoned skull: Tranquilized: increase Torpidity or reduces stamina
Spoiled meat with skull on top: you ate rotten food/poop: health decreases
Red skull: Contracted Mega Rabies, health decreases rapidly
Blue mechanical eye glowing: Thermal Sight used by Snow Owl, shows live creatures with heat signatures
Medical brew with green arrow: you are regaining health
Cooked meat with green arrow: you are regaining food
2 green arrows: 2x experience boost from Explorer Note
3 purple arrows: 4x Experience Boost from EN
Silhouette of a man standing under a sun: Heatstroke Effect, it slowly increases the more you are in the sun/major heat, at 25% you'll start losing a bit of health and your vision becomes hazy, any percent continuing will probably increase the health drain
Yellowed rex skull: you have entered a dangerous area, move away quickly
SCUBA Flippers: you equipped flippers, you move very fast in water but your land speed is significantly reduced
Goggles: you can see more clearly underwater
Scuba pants: increased general insulation
Scuba tank: you have a connected Air supply with the goggles but the tank will break after some time
Continued later after I remember some more
If you drink this substance you will have super powers for 10 yrs
Ark tells me
Don’t forget to eat!
Water container stats (recipe not included)
| Leaks | Cap. |
Waterskin: Yes. | 100 |
Water jug: No | 200 |
Canteen: No | 300. |
Tek Canteen: No | 400 |
Tek canteen has abilities but you go figure that out urself :/