ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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Creatures of Nightmares
Chapter 27
“I’ve got the wolves!” The girl set her wyvern on the ground toward Prince, Pax, and Ridley. She had short brown hair. “You aren’t.. wolves..?”
Ridley turned to the girl and got up to his knees with a groan. “Of course we aren’t wolves! You scared away our Griffin mounts! Right guys?”
Pax quickly answered, “Yeah.. griffins………?”
“There are griffins here?” The girl cried. “Huh. But how are other humans here?”
Ridley scoffed as he, Prince, and Pax got to their feet. “Do we really need to show you our Lightning wyverns?”
Prince finally noticed how the other two were in jeans and he was in.. dress pants.
Prince fixed his black jacket’s collar, and then said, “James, shouldn’t we be going?” His voice was soft and deep.
Ridley turned around toward Prince and said, “Yes, we should..” and then he mouthed, “James? Really?”
Prince mouthed back, “Our names aren’t very human like..”
The girl huffed. “You need to be introduced to my captain. He told us he must meet any humans on this Island. And you need to show us where you got your griffins.”
Ridley gulped.
“Come on!” She snapped and pulled Ridley toward the purple wyvern. The girl grabbed a cryopod and let out a tapejara.
Ridley mounted it in the front.
“What are you doing? You control it from the middle!” The girl scoffed. “Don’t you have a brain?”
Ridley shifted to the middle seat and nodded for the other two to mount.
“Suit jacket’s being held by my wyvern. The tapejara has bad weight. It can’t hold all of you.”
Prince nervously got off the tapejara as the wyvern began flying and picked him up. The tapejara slowly rose.
“Why is it so slow?” Ridley huffed.
“So you can’t fly away,” the girl answered.
Astra and Reign had laid on the ground for a bit, still tired. They finally got up.
“We may have to do this the hard way,” Reign huffed angrily. “I don’ wanna, but we may have to. Ye ok with it?”
Astra replied. “I don’t know what that means..”
Reign flapped her wings in annoyance. “Right. Well, the hard way means ye gotta climb a big ol’ mountain and fly from there.”
“What about the boys?”
Reign huffed. “Boys are boys. Don’ worry. When we arrive, I can send troops to grab ‘em.”
Reign started walking and Astra followed quietly. Occasionally, Astra made an ice slide down a hill the had to go past and they both sped down it.
But finally, they were there.
Astra gulped. This mountain.. out in the grassy area. The one. This was it. The mountain she was at when she had a hyenaedon pack.
Memories flooded into her mind. Horrid memories. Things she didn’t want to remember. But she still did.
A grey hyenaedon bit a tan female’s leg. The female yelped in pain.
“Stop it!” Astra yelped.
“Shut up, little hyenaedon.” The grey male slammed her into a tree.
He tossed her to the tan female and scoffed. “Little brats. Go run off you stupid creatures.”
It had been the last time she had seen her mom. Or, at least, what she thought had been her mom.
Reign noticed that Astra had stopped walking. “Ye comin’?” She asked.
Astra nodded and kept following.
A female wolf slowly walked to a cave. She lifted her paw to the stone wall engraved with pictures closing it.
As she set her paw in the middle of a circle, the wall shuddered. It slowly melted away and the wolf entered the cave.
She walked toward a group of large creatures in chains. “Hello,” she said.
“Go away, Adira.” One of them snapped.
“If I have killed the rest of your kind through a wolf, what stops me from killing you now?” She asked with a laugh.
With the stomp of her paw, the chains around his neck tightened. Then she let it stop as he choked in pain.
Her eyes glowed. The chains fell from their necks and legs. “You will work for me.. you will destroy the wolves.. or else you will be choosing death.”
The creatures’ eyes’ glowed.
“Yes, Adira.” One of them stepped out from the shadows. And then they all did.
Adira laughed to herself with a smirk and led them out of the cave. “Welcome back into the world, Yutyrannus.”
Creatures of Nightmares
Chapter 26 part 2
The three wolves had began flying. “How does it feel?” Ridley asked.
Prince answered, “It feels like I’m flapping my front paws..”
“Good. If it feels any other way, the power isn’t working and you could fall at any moment.”
Pax was looking around. “This is pretty peaceful.. WHAT IS THAT!!?!?”
A purple wyvern was heading for them.
“Yes!” Squeaked a small creature. “More!”
Ridley yelped and suddenly his swirls glowed. Pax and Prince felt very odd. It felt as if they stretched and had less fur and..
The wolves fell straight on the ground. Yet they weren’t wolves at the moment. Ridley had manipulated them into humans.
Sorry I was going to do more on chapter 26 but I have to go now!!!
Creatures of Nightmares
Chapter 26
Astra almost fainted as she was falling. Her vision was blurry. She could barely make out the purple wyvern headed for her.
And then a second appeared. Blasting some kind of red mist out of its mouth, which seemed to suck something away from the other wyvern.
The new wyvern was red and black, with bright eyes. The purple wyvern moaned and flapped away, a small creature on its back. The red and black wyvern flew away. It had something on its back too.
Reign flapped her wings in pain and began flying again. “I got ye! Don’ worry!” She yelled and dived toward Astra. With a swoop, she caught her and landed. “Figure we need a bit o’ a break, eh?” She said, flapping her wings painfully. The both laid on the ground, panting.
“KJ!” Yelped a small creature who had just landed a wounded purple wyvern. A human. She slid off of the wyvern, entering a large base filled with humans. They had built a house here already.
A boy, about 17 or 18, looked at the girl. She was about his age. “Yes?”
“You won’t believe what I saw! Flying wolves!”
KJ scoffed. “And I don’t believe it.” He began walking away toward a human building rafts.
The girl grumbled and said, “Come on, KJ. I’m telling you, I saw flying wolves!”
KJ whirled around to look at the girl. “If you saw a flying wolf, prove it. Tame it.” He stormed away to give orders to the human building rafts.
The girl huffed. “Ok. If that’s what you want, that’s what you’re getting.”
She ran outside and fed the crystal wyvern, giving her more health. “Go, Paradise! Go!” The wyvern flapped her wings.
Pax and Prince were surprised humans were coming, and annoyed that the girls were taking so long.
“I’m doing this myself,” Ridley muttered, his swirls glowing.
And they all had wings. “ARRRGHHHH!!!” Pax yelped. Prince was admiring his fluffy red wings.
“I can only manipulate wings for about ten minutes. Let’s make this quick.”
He started flying, and the other two looked at him from the ground. Ridley huffed. “Aren’t you coming?”
Creatures of Nightmares
Chapter 25
Reign lifted Astra with her four paws and flapped her wings. They went out into the sky and disappeared behind large clouds.
“How long will we have to wait?” Pax huffed.
“Probably not long,” Prince replied.
Ridley was silent. For the whole time he was in this group, he stayed mainly to himself. A loner. Before he ever was Shadow, he was open. And joyful. A sweet, handsome wolf who was loyal. But.. now he doesn’t think there’s anything for him. His family.. is gone. Adira.. is evil. His brother.. Ridley doesn’t know his location. His world was destroyed.. ripped apart.. by the person he trusted most. So how could he ever trust anyone else?
Astra felt odd with no ground beneath her paws. She was getting dizzy up so high in the air, and there was not as much oxygen.
“Are we there yet?” She managed to say.
“Closer,” Reign said, as something whirled toward them.
“Ack!” Reign flew and dodged, but her grip on Astra weakened.
“What was that??!” Astra yelped nervously.
“Not sure..” Reign said. “And here it comes again!!”
Reign rolled, flapping her wings frantically in the sky.
Astra finally got a look at the attacker. And it was beautiful. A glimmering crystal wyvern. It was a light purple that shone in the sun, and its wings were like a rainbow, changing pastel colors. A tropical wyvern.
Astra knew the legends. She wasn’t sure why, but she did. In a faraway place, the wyverns dwell. In solitude. A whole different place.
“It’s a wyvern!” She yelped.
Reign screeched suddenly as the wyvern flew by, shooting water out of its mouth. The water was so fast it felt like daggers stabbing Reign’s wings.
Astra fell out of Reign’s grasp. Reign groaned and they both starting falling, the wyvern headed straight for them.
Pax, Prince, and Ridley were getting impatient.
“Where are they?” Prince thought out loud.
Ridley curled his tail around his body as he sat and looked away as usual.
Pax saw something flash in the sky.
“What is that?”
Ridley gave an annoyed huff.
Pax gave a side eye to him. “Do you know what’s happening?”
Ridley turned. “Don’t you know? All of the islands are near each other. It’s probably something from Fjordur or Ragnarok.”
Prince looked up to see multiple winged creatures flying. “Huh..”
And Ridley looked up. “Crystal wyverns.. they never leave their island, Crystal Isles. This can only mean one thing.”
Pax and Prince looked at him.
Ridley spoke in a soft voice. “Say hello to the new humans of The Island.”
Have I ever mentioned this story is on The Island? I don’t think so. Anyways, I can’t really do anything about the Ark lore, because I haven’t finished the island or played any other story maps, and I haven’t watched the videos (busy week, and I forgot.) so that’s why all of the Ark maps are on one planet.. and it would help with a crystal wyvern being there.
Ps. The wyvern is attacking Astra and Reign because it isn’t wild..
Creatures of Nightmares
Chapter 24
The five wolves were traveling for a few days. Not much to say. After all, a dear friend died.
But one day, Reign was tired of this. “Are we going to keep wand’ring aimlessly?”
All the wolves stopped and turned to look at her. “Well, what is there to do?”
Ridley gulped nervously and spoke. “A while ago.. I put all of the wolves.. on Death Island..”
The other wolves’ eyes widened. “You mean Carnivore Island? THE CARNIVORE ISLAND? ARE YOU STUPID?????????” Astra snapped. She didn’t want any other wolf to die after her friend did.
It made her sob. Sometimes for days. She had stayed away from the other wolves, staring at the sea. She felt like she couldn’t go on. -Forget the prophecy- she had thought. -It doesn’t matter anymore.- and then there was that voice. -“Don’t be afraid. I am with you. You are mine. I will protect you.”- And all the sorrow had stopped. The second she heard the voice she felt warmth. Like someone cared. And someone did.
The Power of the Beyond.
Ridley flattened his ears against his head. “I know..”
Reign stepped back into the conversation. “I could take us to my kingdom. To prepare.”
Prince gave a thoughtful smile. “All agree?”
“Yep,” Pax said, and the others nodded.
“Ok!” Said Reign. “I can hold you all, one by one and fly you to the kingdom.” She spread out her wings.
Creatures of Nightmares
Chapter 23 part 2
Astra laughed sadly. “I got excited to meet you, even, when I was thrown in the dungeon. And when I finally did, I couldn’t even express my love for you.” Tears rolled down her face. “But when I finally saw you, we only had a few moments together.” Her voice cracked. “I pray the Power of the Beyond protects you.”
And the wolves walked away sadly, all silently crying for Apollo, the wolf whose name would always be remembered. The strong wolf who sacrificed himself for the one he loved. Apollo, the greatest warrior. Apollo, Astra’s one love.
I hope you guys liked this twist! I almost started crying when I wrote this! My eyes kept watering!
Creatures of Nightmares
Chapter.. 23?
Well, this is after Astra and Apollo were hanging out.
The group of five wolves had just been chasing each other when the stopped and sat down in a circle.
“This is tiring, but it’s nice to not feel stressed for a couple days,” Pax said.
Everyone else nodded, out of breath.
“So this is what the five brave wolves are doing? Sitting around playing games?” A voice sneered.
All the wolves turned to see Shadow.
“Why do you always chase us around?” Prince snarled. All the wolves had stood up. Shadow circled around them until he sat across from the wolves. The cliff was on his right.
Prince wanted to step forward but Apollo stopped him. “Astra needs you.” He whispered in Prince’s ear, then stepped forward.
“You want them, you get through me.”
Shadow laughed. “You can’t beat me.” But Apollo could, in a way. Then he ran toward his son, snarling. Astra and the others watched, Prince and Pax ready to make sure she didn’t run in to stop Apollo. Even Reign was ready to stop Astra.
Apollo dodged his father and clawed his left shoulder. Shadow pulled him off angrily, making Apollo’s back bleed.
Shadow used his manipulation to create matter. Flames suddenly danced around the two, but Apollo didn’t care. He knew they were an illusion.
Apollo jumped on his father’s back and sunk his teeth into his neck. Shadow roared in pain and anger, and threw him off his back.
Shadow tore at his son’s chest, and after a few swipes Apollo, in pain, rolled away and jumped back on his father’s back. His blood drenched his father’s black fur as he bit his shoulders.
Shadow threw him off his back again, this time going too far. Apollo skidded across the cliff rock, and his back legs dangled. His claws scrambled, trying to find a hold. And then he stopped, barely holding himself up to look at Astra.
“No!” She yelled and tried to run toward him, but was stopped by the other three wolves. Tears rolled down her cheeks.
Shadow looked at his son, with a slightly scared expression. “Astra..” Apollo whispered. “I.. I.. love.. you..”
With one last breath his claws slipped on the cliff and he fell down, his body landing on hard rock below it with a crack.
Shadow ran to the edge of the cliff. “No.. no, no..” he whispered.
Astra sobbed.
Shadow’s fur changed to a brown lighter than Pax’s. He was younger and smaller. When he was Shadow, Ridley hadn’t aged.
Before Adira had left, she had Apollo. Apollo was the only thing keeping Shadow alive.
So he had to die. Apollo had to die to find the fifth prophecy wolf. Ridley.
“Don’t you understand, Astra?” Prince whispered. “The Night was never Shadow.. it was always Adira.”
Astra became furious and threw herself out of the wolves’ grasp. “You knew?!” She spat angrily. Tears still rolled down her white face.
The three wolves nodded. “When you were off with Apollo, the Power of the Beyond informed us. He couldn’t tell you. You would’ve done anything to stop it.”
Astra fell to the ground and sobbed. Ridley still sat at the cliff edge, looking at Apollo’s bleeding body.
And then his body was floating up to the cliff and went past Ridley and the other wolves. Astra sat up and watched.
A glimmering purple paw touched Apollo’s back. “Ah.. the powers of manipulation.. what a nice touch.”
It was Adira. With her magic, she thrust Apollo’s dead body to the side. “Isn’t it funny how someone’s death can make two lovers young again?” She chuckled.
“Shut up,” Ridley said, still looking down at the cliff. “You were the reason I became Shadow.” He turned. “I became a monster because of YOU! I ruined so many people’s live and you just watched!”
Adira laughed to herself. “Oh, Ridley. I made you a better version of you. Come on, look at my magic. I’ve got my fire, manipulation now, and I’ve even gotten those Ice powers and the other power to control.. what was it? Oh yes. Vines.”
“I presume you killed wolves to get them?”
“Oh, Shadow.. sometimes we have to make a sacrifice.”
“Don’t call me that!” He roared.
Adira ran straight for him when Pax slowed time and made the five wolves disappear, along with Apollo’s body.
Adira snarled in anger.
The five wolves were transported under the ice bridge Astra had been to so long ago. And then her gaze went to Apollo. “I figured we should bury him,” Pax said quietly. Ridley and the other wolves nodded and began digging.
A few hours later, they lowered Apollo’s dead body into a hole, and covered him with dirt and snow.
Astra’s swirls on her back and sides glowed, creating an ice tombstone that said:
Here lies Apollo, the hero
who made a great sacrifice.
May he rest in peace with
the Power of the Beyond.
All the wolves lowered their heads. “Should we say something?” Prince asked, his voice cracking.
Astra nodded and began to speak.
“Apollo.. this all started when you suddenly contacted me just to tell me some information. But you became my friend.” She paused and laughed sadly. “I got excited to meet you, even, -DiploLover24
Creatures of Nightmares
Chapter 22
“Are we far enough?” Astra asked, panting. Apollo nodded tiredly. They all sat down a few meters away from a jagged cliff.
Astra looked at Apollo’s spotted fur glimmering in the sun. Then her gaze went to his three scars on his face as he looked at the forest behind them. “We can sleep there,” he said.
“A cave? Really?” Pax huffed.
Prince scoffed. “Are you too much of a princess to sleep there?” He asked, brushing against Pax playfully. After being in the dungeon so long together, they became like brothers.
Reign immediately curled up in the cave. So did Pax and Prince. But Astra and Apollo were still awake. “Should we hunt? So we have food for the morning?” Astra asked. Apollo nodded and they walked out of the cave.
The two wolves located a deer and crouched in the powdery snow. “Three, two, one..” Astra mouthed and they both pounced. The deer was brought to the ground as Astra lunged for its neck before Apollo could. The deer was dead.
“How were you such a good hunter?” Apollo asked. “Your father sure did drag me to hunt with him. I was just the best at it.” She smirked and flicked her tail.
-Darn it, Astra. You’re going to make this harder for me,- he thought to himself.
They dragged the deer back into the cave. “I’m not tired,” Astra huffed. “Me either,” Apollo said.
Astra ran outside of the cave. “Catch me if you can!” She sprinted away.
“Oh, you’re on!” Apollo barked and dashed after her, not missing a beat. He soared over logs and rocks, and soon caught up to Astra. “Slow, are ya?”
Astra hissed playfully and gained more speed. “Or is it you who is slow?” She asked and looked back at him.
“Astra, watch out!” Apollo pushed her to the side. She almost ran into a tree!
“Oh..” she said, panting. Apollo was on top of her. They both looked away, blushing if they could.
“Thanks,” she muttered.
Apollo got off of Astra and helped her up. “We should get back to camp,” he said. “Yeah..” Astra nodded.
They walked back to the cave, side by side.
Once they got there, they curled up to go to sleep. Before Apollo slept.. he had tears in his eyes.
Over the next few days, Apollo and Astra had spent time together. Yes, the whole group did hang out with them too, but occasionally they walked together alone.
One night, they went down to the water. The water glimmered under the moonlight. Astra and Apollo sat side by side. Apollo opened his mouth. He wanted to tell Astra. So badly. But he couldn’t. That wasn’t the plan. He closed his mouth and nuzzled Astra.
She leaned on him and looked at the water. “It’s so beautiful, isn’t it?” She asked.
“Not as pretty as you,” he said sweetly. And then he gave a huff. “We should go back to the group.”
Astra was confused, but instead she just said, “Ok, let’s go.”
They rejoined the group and went to sleep that night. Apollo could barely sleep, though. He kept thinking of how it would go.
Creatures of Nightmares
Chapter 21 (I think)
Apollo had been summoned by his father and was speaking to him most of the morning. Then he went to his room, alone. Until someone had started to contact him. He answered.
Shadow was pacing around his room. -Get out of my head!- he snarled to himself, shaking it furiously. -“This isn’t you. You are Ridley, not Shadow.”-
Shadow looked at an ancient vase in his room and flung it on the wall, shattering it.
He was breathing hard and angry. He flexed his claws as he continued pacing.
-Just stop. You mean nothing to me.
“Oh, but I do. I created you.”
I don’t care if you’re the ‘power of the beyond’! Just get OUT!
“You won’t stay like this forever.”
Shadow snarled and snapped and broke everything he could find in his room.
A few hours later:
Apollo stepped out of his room with a feeling of nervousness, sadness, and excitement all at the same time. Mostly sadness.
A black wolf approached him. “I know you wanted to get the dungeon key last night.”
Apollo swallowed nervously. “And..?”
“Let’s rescue your friends.”
Apollo looked at the wolf. “Your Ridley’s brother.. you contacted me.”
“Yes. Now let’s go!”
Apollo silently contacted Astra and she appeared outside with him. “Ready?”
Astra nodded. She didn’t look translucent in the snow.
“Father! Astra’s out!”
Shadow came running outside and spotted her. She smirked and ran. Shadow snarled and began pursuing her. Apollo nodded through a window as the black wolf unlocked the dungeon. Reign, Pax, and Prince ran out. Astra came after she had led Shadow away.
“Arrrrghhhhhh!!!!!!!” Shadow roared as she disappeared. The five wolves were gone. They had escaped.
But Shadow began pursuing them.
A voice spoke in Apollo’s head as he followed the other four wolves. -“It’s time.”-