ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

More Yutyrannus Utility Tips
How to be unstoppable with this MF:
1. Tame a UT Ranus
2. Tame a bunch of T Rex
3. Ride the UT and let the horde follow you
4. Look for trouble
5. Do the war cry then BOOM!! u got a bunch of T Rex with 25% Attack DMG boost and 20% DMG reduction buff.
Note: The UT Ranus scream will make the affected enemy dino receive 50% more DMG and scare small creatures away!!! This MF is crazy. A good commanding dino. The Caesar of the Dino world.
This thing is an absolute beast. I tamed a level 120 and pumped nothing but stamina so it could yell at my dinos to do better when fighting the broodmother. They were so inspired, that they got a 25% damage bonus, and a 25% damage resistance bonus meaning we completely shredded the broodmother when it may have been a close fight. One or two of these behind your army and you, my friend, have comrade stalin himself telling your troops to fight to their last breath
the yuty has two kinds of roars.
one of the roars can be used to buff your dinosaurs up.
whilst the other roar is used to make almost every creature run in fear.
if you use the buffing roar a good amount, your dinosaurs charge will remain for a long time.
and if you fill up the fear bar for the second roar on your opponent, they will begin running away
Giganotosaurus, Rexs, Spinos, Wyverns, Alpha Predators, Water Creatures, and Brontos are immune to the yutyrannus's fear roar