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You need biotoxin and plant species z fruit. Don’t try and tame it without the trap. Make six triangle stone foundations and place them in a hexagon shape. Make 18 stone walls. Switch them to the tall doorframe (single door with no top) and stack them up on the perimeter of the foundations three tall (any shorter than three and the yi ling can get inside. Stand outside the trap and let it spray you with feathers. Once you have 30, get in the trap, ready your fruit, and watch it. Its trail in the air should be red, meaning it’ll do its rupture. Once it does it will dive at you really fast, but if you’re in the trap it should get stuck in the doorframe for a second, giving you enough time to throw the fruit and stun it. Once stunned get close and feed it biotoxin. Rinse and repeat until tamed. If you threw the fruit and it isn’t stopped in place, chances are you still stunned it, it just didn’t properly stun, so chase after if while it’s on the ground and feed it, it usually works. Don’t get hit by the rupture, so stay on the opposite side of the trap’s interior that the yi ling is by, as the rupture can still hit you if you’re inside, and it will remove all your feathers and deal a lot of damage, meaning you have to get feathered again. You can use other narcotics besides biotoxin, but it works best.

Once tamed, you have on upward dash, but while flying can dash sideways or down infinitely. Sprinting while flying makes it faster but you constantly lose altitude, but regular speed makes it slower but you don’t lose altitude so long as you don’t look down. You can rupture a target if you shoot at least one feather in it, and after a successful rupture, you get another upward dash to use in the air.

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