8 points   🥚 Taming & KO       Report

To Tame bring:

- Good Flak

- Good riot/metal shield 🛡️

- Narcotics or Biotoxin

- A bunch of Plant Z flashbangs

- Food/Kibble


You need to tank it's fathered attack until your feathered count is greater than 30.

It will try to Dash you (flying dash), if it lands just tank attacks.

Once it dashes you, you need to throw a flashbang (the timing has to be perfect)

If you manage to flash it, it will stop for a while and you feed it Narcs/Biotoxin (have it on your last slot).

Repeat process until its knocked down.

Feed it.


Difficulty, I'd say it's a 3 or 4 out of 5 depending on your equipment.

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