Admiring this fish from the beach because I thought I'd read enough to be smart in their presence.

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Admiring this fish from the beach because I thought I'd read enough to be smart in their presence. Low and behold I agro a flock of microraptors, but was not quick enough to escape. They knocked me off my dreadstallion as I ascended above these toothy monsters in the shallows of the red woods. Oh noo.... Stunned... They see me... Teeth... Teeth... Teeth... Darkness. Apparently, I did not taste that good. All I see is TEETH!!! They drag me to the bottom of the ocean- this fish and his mate. Ripping me apart and smearing my existance all over the watery floor. My tame watches helplessly from the sky as my vision goes red, dark. Teeth... For I am no more.

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