ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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Fire and Freedom:The journey beyond the kingdom
Book 1
Chapter three
Caved in
The group went on their daily flight traveling to at least find a permanent home or this place for all that Elm ‘Claimed’ was real. The was silently no birds no nothing….Weird but that also meant no disturbances too. The group didn’t talk much and went on what they usually did until it got cloudy and dark and then that’s when thunder roared and it echoed in the trios ears, “Thunderstorm! We need to find shelter!” Yelled elm panicked. “Don’t panic Elm it’ll only make it worse!” puffin shouted. “Follow me!” Jasper said as the other two managed to follow him into a cave. They waited out the storm for hours on end and the thunder storm turned into a tornado which Elm spotted easily by a tree blocking the path. “A tree is blocking the way out” elm said, “Well then burn it” snapped puffin. “It might be a tornado it’s best to go further in” Elm responded, “Elms right it might be a tornado” Jasper said. And then the trio went on with there exploration in the cave which was oddly filled with glowing plants and plants that glowed when stepped on, and then rustling was heard which startled to group and a creature came out it wasn’t a megalosaurus it was a barynox that was glowing for some reason and it seemed to have an odd power from it, and that’s when it started attack the group, the barynox had the upper hand cause it was small enough to maneuver around in the cave cause it was small than the two and what about Elm? Elm had a less harder time than the two but didn’t want to breathe fire in fear she’ll hurt Puffin and Jasper and puffin was trying to freeze it in place or trying to slow it down and meanwhile Jasper was just dodging now Jasper wanted to fight back but everytime he tired he couldn’t fight back like the other two until he heard something that seemed to telepathically communicate with him.
“Wake up”
“Jasper remeber who you are”
“Who are you?” Jasper whispered looking at the glowing barynox
End of chapter three
Sorry it’s short I had to do homework and I’m really tired
Dark Dragons: Season Two, Chapter Three: The Lava
As Bloodstaine and the others were flying towards the volcano, she noticed a lot of water glistening in the moonlight. She thought nothing of it, but saw that it… wasn’t in the ocean. That was a bit confusing, but she pushed on through the air. As they neared the lava island, they heard a boom.
“Sh*t. That can’t be good.” Astatine said as he saw smoke rising from the volcano.
“What? What is that? Is that the volcano?” Amber asked. “Oh, crap, I forgot that I’m squeamish around lava.”
"Amber, you’re squeamish around EVERYTHING. This isn’t new. Plus, you live near a volcano. How can you be so scared?” said Bloodstaine. “I’M SCARED OF EVERYTHING, OKAY?!” Amber shouted.“ Jeez, okay, well, let’s just focus on getting there. We need to move faster if we wanna get to the obelisk.” Bloodstaine said. “Fine, but I’m not happy about this…” Amber said. “No one cares, you idiot.” Astatine said tiredly. “If you wanna die, go ahead. Be my guest.” Amber muttered a curse under his breath, but kept on flying. As they dove towards the ground to land, a blue streak swooped below them and snatched up a Raptor. “What the hell? What was that?” Bloodstaine exclaimed. “Good question, for a different time. We don’t need to worry about that right now.” Astatine said, annoyed. “I agree with Astatine here…”
“Not you! I thought you were with me!” exclaimed Bloodstaine. “Hate to admit it, but I just wanna be warm.” Amber said. They kept flying, lower now, and they reached the Obelisk. “I don’t know if we should settle here anymore. The volcano’s erupting.” Amber said. All of a sudden, they saw a blue Wyvern fly overhead. Then, the Wyvern dove down and they saw it was Sunami. “W-what? Sunami? B-but you died!” Bloodstaine said, stunned. "Did I? I don’t feel dead, but we might be if we stay here much longer.” joked Sunami. “Alright, comedian. How about you show us the way out of here?” said Astatine. “Alright, alright. I’ll do it. Follow me!” As Sunami led them out of the island, Bloodstaine thought to herself "Wait, why are we trusting him? We knew him for less than a day before he was ‘killed’. What if he’s trying to kill us?" She was very concerned, but didn’t speak up because she knew the others wouldn’t listen. “Welcome to my humble abode. It isn’t much, but it’s something. I have to keep watch for the soldiers every day.” “What soldiers? Did they follow us somehow?” Astatine said, angry. “No. They followed me, but I lost them.” said Sunami. “And how did you lose them?” Astatine asked. “Some guy with Tek came along and fought them.” Sunami replied. Astatine gasped. “Tek?! That… that was Bob.”
---Bob The Survivor---
The Arks: Over Heaven
Prologue: Ill-Fated
The day was sunny. The day was bright. There were no clouds in sight. All that filled the skies was the light that poured in from the sun. It seemed like the perfect day. After all, for dear Samuel, it would be his last day at the confines of Terran High. The last day he’d have to spend in a hell that he called school.
Samuel was standing amongst a crowd, along with many other waiting graduates, each one wearing a black gown and graduation cap. They were watching the stage with anticipation, eager for the big moment.
“Are you excited?”
Samuel turned around, facing one of his closest friends, Nova. Nova had a big smile on her face, and her long black hair fell all the way down to her chest. Samuel had become friends with Nova during their freshman years, when they were paired next to each other in English. Samuel had forgotten his pencil at home accidentally, so he borrowed one from Nova, and thus blossomed their friendship. Samuel never really got close to anyone else after that, Nova was Samuel’s greatest friend, and no one could surpass her.
“Well, of course I’m excited! After we finally get our diplomas, we can get outta here and do whatever we want! We won’t have to wake up so early for school and stay up so late for homework, it’ll be like heaven!” Samuel answered.
“That does sound pretty cool, but things will be so boring now! We won’t see any more school fights or get any juicy gossip!” Nova complained.
“Uh huh, since that’s the most interesting thing in the world,” Samuel replied with a hint of sarcasm, rolling his eyes.
Before Nova could talk, someone walked up to the microphone and tapped on it, startling a large majority of the crowd. Standing on the stage was Mr. Mo, their principal. He was looking extra nice today, with his gray suit complementing his blue tie and combed back gray hair. He had many wrinkles across his face, and he had a jagged scar running down his eye. Many people always asked how he got that scar. He would always reply,
“When I was little, I would scratch my face whenever I got itchy, and one day I scratched a little too hard.”
Some speculated that that wasn’t the case, and that he got into a fight and that’s how he got it, but who knows? Samuel didn’t think it mattered anyway. He probably would never visit this school again, so it’s not like he needed to know how he got that scar.
Samuel’s thoughts were interrupted by Mr. Mo’s abrupt speech.
“Attention everyone. It truly has been a wild ride for all of you, huh? You spent the past 12 years, and now here you are, ready to move onto a new chapter and become men and women. You all worked hard to get here, and I applaud you for that. But now it’s time for you all to move on to a bigger future. It might sound scary, but I’m sure you all will do well as long as you put your heart into it. That’s all I have to say, now I’ll pass the mic onto our valedictorian, Aurora Romero!”
Everyone erupted into applause, cheers, and whistles as Mr. Mo stepped off the stage. Soon, a girl with glittering dark brown hair stepped onto the stage. Unlike the other graduates, she wore a white gown and white cap, and she had a red plume which reached all the way down to her shoulders. Her walk was elegant and filled with confidence.
“Seriously, take a look at this girl!” Nova groaned, “She got a 4.80 GPA. How is that even possible?! Does she not have a life or something? And she’s the best on the tennis team too, there’s no way she didn’t cheat on her finals!”
“Now, it’s not that big a deal. I know you always tried your hardest,” Samuel comforted her.
“It just doesn’t make sense, she’s naturally talented, it’s not fair!” Nova complained. Nova stopped talking, and looked back at Aurora with a pissed off look on her face. As Aurora began to speak in the microphone, a few girls in the crowd were cheering her on.
“Greetings, fellow students. It truly is an honor to be your valedictorian, to be here standing in front of you to give you my thanks. My appreciation goes out to my parents who supported me my entire life, my teachers who helped me get to where I needed to be, to my friends who were there whenever I felt lost and hopeless,” Aurora paused, as she seemed to be contemplating if she should keep on going. “And to my boyfriend, who I will never forget. He may not be with us anymore, but he’s the reason that I have a future now.”
Everyone went silent, as they seemed to be giving her a moment of silence to mourn. Not even Nova scoffed, as she looked on solemnly.
“But, enough of me. Mr. Mo is right. Starting today, we move onto a new chapter of our lives. We’re going to need to tough it out, because life won’t be so easy now. You think high school is hard? Just wait until you get a job! That’s what my parents would say, at least.”
“She’s gotta be kidding,” Samuel muttered as he turned white.
“And even if you weren’t the greatest student, it shouldn’t stop you from being a good person. You can do it, you can do whatever you want to do, just let your heart and mind lead the way, and you will always succeed. Life is hard, and tough times will come, but tough people will last,” Aurora closed her eyes and smiled, rubbing her eyes a little as she said, “That’s all for now.”
As Aurora stepped away from the microphone, Mr. Mo ran up and grabbed the microphone.
“What are you guys waiting for? Get ready to throw your caps up in the air!”
Everyone began to murmur in excitement, as they took hold of their caps.
The soon-to-be adults began to chant the countdown along with Mr. Mo. Samuel and Nova joined in too, smiles growing on their faces.
The screaming grew louder and louder to the point that Samuel’s ears started to hurt.
Suddenly Mr. Mo let out a loud gasp of pain, as he fell to his knees, clutching his wrist. Everyone stopped the countdown, and whispers began to radiate throughout the crowd.
“What’s going on? What happened to Mr. Mo?” the people asked. Just at that moment, Aurora screamed out too, visible pain across her face as her wrist began to bleed. As soon as Aurora started to cry out in pain, many more people in the crowd began to feel it too. By the dozen, everyone was writhing around, an unexplainable pain in their left wrist.
“AGHHHH!” Nova screamed as she fell. Samuel caught her, yelling, “Don’t worry, I got you!”
The sky above them suddenly began to generate clouds, and the blazing ball of fire they called the Sun began to move around the sky at an alarming rate. The sky seemed to be generating streaks of red, blue, and green, spinning around in a triangle and aiming right down at them.
Samuel looked up in horror as a bright light enveloped everyone, and before he knew it his conscience slipped away.
Author's Note
Hi, this is the author of The Arks Over Heaven. I promise this is the last repost of the Prologue, i just combined it in one part since we just figured out how to. If you can please downlike the other repost and uplike this one instead.
To Newer Readers; if you're a new reader, thanks for taking your time to read the Prologue of The Arks: Over Heaven! If you'd like to keep reading because you're interested, Chapter 1 is also here in Wyvern, although you may have to scroll through to find it because it was posted before this Prologue. Chapter 2 is in Vulture, and the rest of the story continues on in the Aerial category reverse Alphabetical order (so Z, Y, X, etc). Anyway if you dont want to keep reading idk why youre still here, but if you are just dont bother me or anyone else. It gets old fast. If you like stories like these, drop by Achatina and say hello. There are lots of other writers with their own cool stories. Have a good day, and see you soon if you plan on dropping by!
Fire and Freedom:The journey beyond the kingdom
Chapter two
Talk about home
(Thanks Ben and KM for the suggestion and I didn’t know rhyniognathas and forest wyverns doesn’t exist on Ragnarök)
They managed to get away somehow as the group rested in a cave that was when Elm spoke up “We have to fix your wing somehow Puffin like jasper can’t always carry you it’ll take to much time” “What do you suggest we do then? We can’t stitch my wing up with one large piece of hide or a parachute we can’t stitch anything in the first place” Puffin huffed. “I learned to stitch with my mouth, no duh I’m a wyvern, my culture and tradition back in my home was that girls do girly stuff like knitting and crochet and take take of the wounded and more so like a tribal tribe type thing” Elm said. “Cause we are talking about traditions I’ll say mine, my kingdom is that males are paired with females from their or other kingdoms but males have a choice to choose, males are basically the future but kids were always extra mouths to feed, and cause I had mutations I was valued and I was spoiled but my family wasn’t perfect and I felt like my parents don’t look like me or any of my kind I like more dragon but I’m a fire wyvern from what I know” Jasper said, “I’ll go then…..My customs and traditions is that we are all place in a hierarchy all kids who were hatch were places at 12th the worse and the first place is most preferred and it all goes to how well you can hunt, fight, and hold your ground and cause I got a burn on my wing I knew I couldn’t return but I did and I got laughed at for it so I left, and I save you guys because you seemed like decent wyverns and plus Elm you do realize that forest wyverns aren’t native here right?” Puffin said, “They….Don’t? I thought they did my parents said they did” Elm said confused. “She’s right Elm forest wyverns don’t exist nor are they native here” jasper said. “Now talk about home” puffin snorted. “Jasper stay here with Puffin I’ll try to get something for puffins wing and I have a needle to and some strings for stitching” Elm said as she took off. “Always ready I like her she can stand her ground” Puffin chuckled. “Yeah she can, anyways how does your kingdom treat other dinosaurs” Jasper said and asked. “We treat them like prey or lesser beings and yours?” Puffin said and asked Jasper back. “We treat them like prey to but we also see them as allies but I don’t believe that as we only treat them like prey and prisoners” jasper responded. As Elm came back with a large piece of hide and said “Alright puffin lay your wing flat” and puffin did what elm said. After Elm was finished it wasn’t the best but it wasn’t the worst but it was gonna have to do it was tight enough to fly but probably not enough for wild thunder storms. “Soooo, why’d you save us puffin?” Elm asked. “I told you didn’t I? Never mind I’ll explain again I saved you guys cause you seem decent and cause you don’t look like my kind and I felt like we were destined to meet?” Puffin responded. “So like that feeling if you know what I mean” Jasper spoke up “Yeah basically” puffin responded. So the group went on about their day flying through the clouds and the sky before they stopped to rest and elm decided to tighten the stitch up.
I also made a cover for my book!
Fire and Freedom:The journey beyond the kingdom
Chapter one
Book one
Taking flight
Right now Elm and jasper was soaring through the air, no words were said as jasper wasn’t the type to start a conversation. “So you’re a runaway?” Elm asked “I am I hated my life back at home but running away felt like the best decision I made despite me not knowing how to fight” Jasper responded. “I can teach you sometime, I mean I’m not the best teacher but I can teach you” Elm offered. “Sure, I don’t mind some training….So what are you doing all alone anyway?” Jasper asked. “I am also a runaway but I’m a traveler” elm responded. Jasper didn’t say anything back. “I thought fire wyverns don’t have any horns but you have a nose and chin spike and double horns, why is that traits?” Elm asked, “Yeah rare traits that were gone over the years but I have seen some wyverns with horns” Jasper responded and added. As they landed down on the ground they were met with a hostile ice wyvern who blasted them but Jasper blasted back the impact of both fire and ice hitting each other and thus cancelling each other out. “We are not here to fight!” Both Jasper and Elm said in sync. “Really?” The ice wyvern said. “I don’t trust you” they snarled before running off. “Why didn’t they fly?” Elm spoke up “I don’t know but let’s keep going” jasper responded. Five hours later in the afternoon they were walking and Elm spoke up “you think the ice wyvern is coming with us?” “I do hope so” jasper responded. Then Elm and Jasper were attack they were outnumbered but barely outmatched that was until the same ice wyvern from before shooed them away, the most notable feature of the ice wyvern was its severely burnt wing and they probably couldn’t fly. “C’mon follow me and you can stay and I’ll be following and going with you guys on your little adventure and the names Puffin” Puffin huffed, but the two wyverns didn’t complain I mean puffin the ice wyvern didn’t save their lives, as the trio walked around ragnarök they came across a den which was probably puffin’s temporary den. “I don’t have much but I don’t want complaining either” puffin snapped. “Are you a girl or a boy-“ Elm bluntly said and then getting wing smacked by Jasper. “I’m a nonbinary so I’m either” puffin responded. “What…Happened to your wing if you don’t mind me asking” Jasper said. “It got burned by a wyvern it wasn’t a fire, poison, lighting, it was a ember crystal wyvern I managed to kill it but I got my wing burnt badly so I couldn’t go back and I can’t cause I’m basically useless” puffin responded. “Let’s stay here and we’ll go tomorrow to wherever you guys are going” Puffin said.
The next day
Puffin, Elm, and Jasper were flying around ragnarök, with puffin on Jaspers back, as Jasper was strong and large enough to do so. “I haven’t been in the sky for so long” puffin yawned. “I bet, I mean with a wing injury like that” Elm added. “I don’t need your opinion Forest wyvern” Puffin snarled. “Stop fighting you two and Puffin you wanted to come along” Jasper intervened before the argument got heated. Then they landed down on the beach and Puffin jumped off of Jaspers back to snatch up a dodo and eat it, as jasper and Elm snatched some up and ate them too. “Talk about overpopulation of dumb birds” Puffin joked. “I can see that” Elm said. “Yeah let’s snatch and eat some up and rest before we continue” Jasper added. As the trio rest up and ate, as Puffin got on Jaspers back and the trio took off to the skies, but then something big and huge was following them and attacked them. “Rhyniognatha!” Elm yelled. “Alright then Elm follow me I’ll try to lose it and Puffin hold on tight!” Jasper yelled. As it was a game of cat and mouse. “Don’t Rhyniognathas chase other things but wild wyverns?” Puffin said. “I don’t know I never seen a Rhyniognatha chase a wyvern before!” Elm huffed. Could they survive? Yeah probably as long as the lost sight of the Rhyniognatha.
End of chapter
I am loving my stories
Fire and freedom:The journey beyond the kingdom
Chapter Prologue
Book 1
The jaded ones
Life for prince jasper wasn’t easy and fun as all wyverns though prince jasper never want to marry someone he didn’t know, but hey that was royalty life…..For him that was Prince jaspers family we’re always jaded and it affected him to but, he still looked on the bright side that was until he was so sick of it he ran away without planning anything and he didn’t know how to fight, but like royalty needed to fight by had bodyguards but Prince jaspers on his own, then he only realized the mistake he made but he knew that there was no going back now was there? But Prince jaspers made a choice and he is gonna go with it no matter who or what stops or will stop him. Prince jaspers made a place to stay for the night a small unoccupied cave in the redwood a little ways east from the trench he came from but far enough to there was no danger…Or no wyvern that was, the air smelt fresh unlike the burning smelt of charcoal, ash, and burnt stuff back at home. As prince jaspers slowly closed his eyes something was watching him so he stayed awake and blasted whoever was in front of him. “In moons name was that for! And who taught you how to fight!” A voice called out from the dark. A voice called out from their scent it was a wyvern but what type of wyvern all he known was that there was poison, lighting, and fire, and a fire wyvern was who he was. “Whose there” he snarled. “My name is Elm and you?” The voice said. “I’m Prince jasper but call me jasper” He responded. “Jasper that’s a nice name” Elm said, walking into the same cave he was as elm blasted a small campfire in the cave. “You realize this is my cave right? But don’t worry I’ll let you stay I have to leave tomorrow anyway” elm said. “Why are you glowing” Jasper bluntly said. “I got a mutation or a trait it’s rare in forest wyverns” Elm responded. “Random question but can I come with you?” Jasper asked. “Sure why not? I’d like to have a travel Buddy” Elm responded as jasper fell asleep. “Looks like he’s already asleep guess I’ll go to sleep too.” Elm spoke to herself, falling sleep.
Hope you like my story, and tell me anything to help me improve and I’ll take criticism!
ill always remeber you, stormclaw.
stormclaw [max lvl lightning, i was highly attached to it. went through alot to get their egg] and me were going for a ride, looking for a titanasaur to kill or a giga, but, we found a giga. a max lvled gig. and we had juuuust ran out of stamina. so, i tried to get away before i lost stamina but it was too late. i didnt care about the tek gear i lost, or all the stuff i had grinded for....i could get that back. i cant get stormclaw back....if i get 50 likes i will make a shrine made out of tek, including a tek force feild/ sheild. R.I.P stormclaw :((((
Dark Dragons: Season Two, Chapter Two: The Cold
"Okay, what is this place and why is it so cold?" Bloodstaine asked, not expecting an answer. "I-I know where we are. He called it 'The Center'. He had lost his mind after coming here. I could twll because I came with him from the desert." Astatine replied, shaking from the cold. "Um, guys? I'm gonna go hide in the foresr and possibly-GULP-projectile vomit everywhere." Amber interjected. "You always have to vomit. It's getting annoying." Astatine replied. "Theres a volcano over there, underneath the red obelisk. Hopefully, it'll be warmer there. Let's go."
The Queen, looking to the sky, trying to spot how they could've escaped, saw a small blue rift close. She hissed quietly, knowing that she wouldn't be able to reopen it. "Your Majesty, is there anything I can do for you? the heir named Kratis said. "No. Not at this moment." she growled back. "There is no way for you to be of use to me. Leave." "Yes, my Queen." Kratos replied, then flew away. "Well, maybe I do have a use for you, Kratos..."
---Bob The Survivor---