I love these things so much that when I forgit to bring mine to the wyvern trench I thought I lost it in the trench and almost cried and stopped playing scorched for like a month turns out she was chilling next to my argie back at green obelisk it was very emotional
I found a 120 and trapped it and then left the red zone to get a magnifying glass for easier taming and it despawned if your gonna get a reaper bring a magnifying glass before you find a reaper so you don't end up like…
Got a breeding pair of these guys got a child got maxed imprint got it up to 1000 melee and 10k health I went to the wyvern trench magmasaur cave for black pearls and on my various visits I accidently killed the entire…
I had tamed a megatherium it was around level 20ish not very good but I didn't know that yet so I ran around the dunes in hopes of finding a bunch of explor notes and quickly leveled my Boi around 60ish levels into…