Turkey Origin Story.
Turkey Origin Story. One day, the overseer was trying to find out what the new mob should be. Overseer: Hmmmm… What should it be? Then, the overseer thought that a turkey would be perfect. Overseer: A turkey sounds good. But when the overseer spawned them in, he saw that every turkey was dying fast. Overseer: Those players are just killing them so easily! So the overseer made them deadly so players wouldn’t kill them all. Overseer: Now they aren’t for thanksgiving. But again, The overseer saw them still dead. So he gave them a new power, To make other mobs fight the players. Overseer: Wow, Those turkeys are still dying? Overseer: Im gonna make them OP as heck! Then he saw the players decreasing. Overseer: That’s better. And that’s how they were made (this isn’t really what happened). THE END.