ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

If a Titano is near your base in pve. Set all your tames to passive so they won't aggro the Titan. Then once it's far enough or lured/killed then you can set your tames to neatural again
More Titanosaur Encountering Tips
me and my fiance got extremely lucky and spawned into a fresh scorched earth map and encountered two of these beasts not 500 years from one another
Some Helpful Tips When You Find One Of These:
1. Don’t punch it
2. If you do, prepare to become a pancake
Easily killable with a wyvern. Lightning and poison easiest down to longer range in attack. Just hover above and light it up :) killed my first today and it didn't touch me once. Just remember to watch stamina ;)
ok, so this is going to sound dumb (and it is dumb, I really should stop🧐), but... I like flying around on pteranadons and biting unsuspecting dinos...
I posted this in Titano section for a reason...
Rip: Pteranadon
My dumb insane idiotic crazy ass thought I could kill this monster with a terrifying 250k hp with my pteranodon as long as I kept barrel rolling it with the spyglass glitch or bug and managed to get it to 200k hp before it got freaking one shotted and died rip mah boi Kaiser💀😭🙏
Do y’all know where to find him 😅😅
It can kill a couple gigas and destroy every material yet it doesn’t know how to eat.
When I was a noob I thought I could tame it with tranqs and shot it caused 8 of my tribes Dino’s to die do your tribe a favor do not shoot a titan
Don’t attack, it will kill you in one hit. It killed me and my pter in one hit.
Save more others today. Rip pter
This guy raided my base, because he walked on my spike wall. It was his fault but he didn’t care. He killed my first breed spino with 11k health and 600 actual damage. He was a mutation. He killed my moschops and bronto. When hunting him down he killed my otter, my kapro, and my sarco. It was super sad. I brought him to the ocean so that he would fight my basilosaurus, he instead he drowned instead of dying to my basilo. I hate these things, they don’t know peace, they are not gentle giants, they are just a big fleshy bomb waiting to explode. Keep surviving surrvior-Boss slayer.