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I was flying around on my griffin one time just exploring and a island popped up so I’m like “oh cool ima check it out!” So I hopped off and I say so many scorpions and griffins and just everything you don’t want to see. So I’m like “ok well ima just not touch those...” So I was looking around and I saw a mountain...*future me writing this* why was I so stupid! So then all of a sudden one of these bad boys came up out of no where! So I maybe gotten too close to the scorpions and stuff so I didn’t have a weapon put and ready so I run up the mountain to protect myself. Dino’s: oh your dead ok bye! So stupid me was below the beast and I say a bush and I’m like I’m hungry I need berries! So I was picking some and all of a sudden I accidentally punched and I punched the thing and in one stomp it killed me and my griffin.


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