For those who want to tame a Therizinosaurus but are low level players' I got you.


The things you need is a knockout weapon(bow or cross bow or longneck rifle)

And you some knockout ammunition(tranq arrows, shocking tranqs or darts or to toxicant arrows)

And now you need taming food.

From best to worst(top to bottom)

Itโ€™s preferred kibble



All other berries


To make a trap you need stone(it can break wood and thatch and stone but canโ€™t break metal but youโ€™ll be able to knock it out before it breaks the stone)

Youโ€™ll need 4ร—4 foundation and 16 stone doorframes and 4 ramps.

First place the foundations and place door frames and do the same on top. Thenโ€™ place the ramp.


Shoot it and lead it into the trap and keep shooting it until itโ€™s knocked out. And now you have to give it the food and wait( itโ€™s torpor drops quickly so get lots of narcotics and biotoxin)

Once itโ€™s tamed craft the saddle and itโ€™s yours.

Their damage is high so their one of the best tames.

Hope this was helpful. Bye see ya

More Therizinosaurus Taming & KO Tips