-Some guide for taming this...chicken monster.-


Theris are very easy to find on grasslands, near Green obelisk or near a swamp. Be wary that Parasaurus and Iguanodons look similar to the Theri when far away due to size and colores. Theris are taller than them.


Theris are not aggresive, but they are territorial, which means that when you get close they will aggro, just like the Spino. However unlike the Spino, these guys have a much longer aggro distance, will pursue you a lot of distance and at a high speed. Be on good height, since they cannot climb or jump.


Theris are one of the most feared Ark creatures. They look very docile, like any other hervibore. Until you get close to them. Theris pack a massive damage (52, higher than Carno and even Spino on four legs!) and they also attack at godspeed. NEVER fight Theris with underleveled/small creatures. They do not have a chance, neither you.


Crossbow with narc arrows is a good way and cheap, Theri has enough health to take arrows. Anyways, both longeck and crossbow work, but crossbow is cheaper. Of courses, the crossbow is slower than longneck. If you have a longneck with many darts and you are not lacking resourcws, then use longneck. This monster Is hervibore, even if his nature doesn't look hervibore. Use mejoberries or any crop. If you are rich and have exceptional kibble or Megalo kibble (for mobile and switch) use it.


Theris are very fast, and never try to tame them on land unless you have an ascendant armor and ascendant TAMING weaponry. You can trap Theris, however, Theris can damage stone, wood, adobe and thatch. If you are making the Theri a trap, always go for stone. If it's a 140+ level, then you will have to consider using metal. Quetzals can pick Theris, being a good way to leave them on a trap. If no trap is usable, then simply shoot him on a cliff where it can't reach you. Be wary about it's torpor run too! it might escape. Theris wake up, so have narcotics and biotoxin in hand. Take many of these, I used 200-250 biotoxin for a level 145 on my single player world using crops.


Theris have 2 mainly uses:

-STRONG MOUNT: Theris are incredibly strong, almost comparable to a Rex with worse health and damage, but with higher dps and agility. Theris have a massive advantage over any other creatures in bossfights, and yes, since they are "hervibores" they have access to the beloved vegetal cake, restoring their hp. Best part, they consume it automatically when they lose health. The theris are the best creature to fight the dragon, since dragon has extra strenght when fighting carnivores like Rex or Spino.


Theris can farm a massive variety of materials and better than anyone. Theris can farm wood, fiber, Thatch, Berries and much more materials. However, they have low weight and will easily get encumbered hitting trees. Theris can farm astonishing ammount of these materials and more!

5 ups and I'll do the Rex guide! meanwhile I'll be doing some other creatures guide.

More Therizinosaurus Taming & KO Tips