I live on a beach that used to have only a sarcophagus a bit to my right a spino to my left behind me on the hill I go to a lot to get resources a raptor and a thezi who MIGRATED to be EXTREMELY close to my base and always attacked! But the first time it attacked I led it closer to the base since I had 3 moshcops 5 dilos 9 dodos 2 paras and 1 trike some had over 500 health and one had over 1000 health I knew they could kill it so I led it to them and put them on neutral and guess who won? Me!!!! I got 2 of its claws for killing it! But since it migrated I have attacks every other day but I always win. And I’ll keep winning because I’m not giving up my spot! I had 20 dinosaurs and I hope you guys survive the tickle turkey!

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