ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

They can soak turrets during a raid
More Stegosaurus Encountering Tips
78.3/79.0 = stegosaurus dossier on The Island Maps!
I remember spawning in the swamps and having a wild one of these kill 2 titanaboas, a raptor and a kapro for me. Respected them ever since
There are many good places to find and kill stegos and those places are beaches with lots of trees and jungles because due to its large body it can easily get stuck.
P.S. Works for taming too
don't hit a stegosaurus unless you are away from your house
Once I was collecting berries with Mr. Berry ;) suddenly hit a dimorph. They attacked like swarms and my buddy played a good game of baseball :p
I've found a island were there were louds of tek stegos and I am planing to make a base there with my dad and maybe tame the tek stegos
Scarier as a nugget but a nugget you can kill by diping it in ketchup and biting its head of
When your breeding them pay close attention to the baby’s they eat a lot my two baby stegos I left them with a lot food when I went to hunt but when I came back they were dead they died of starvation and I was very sad because one was level 67 and the other one was 84 they both died sadly
A sarco was killing one of these guys and I ran in to help; I ended up accidentally hurting this monster and it killed my Parasaur.
I once saw a stego fend off an attack by a rex for, I kid you not, 30 minutes. So tanky...