Chronicles of Spinosaur Swamp
Chronicles of Spinosaur Swamp
Chapter 1 - The storm begins
It was the first day of the new monsoon. Thunder roared as lightning briefly illuminated a group of rain-battered animals below. An entire herd of them was forced onto a craggy hill with the rising waters. The animals bleated and bellowed nervously, but the sudden sound of a large animal on the move silenced them. The lead male - a large individual with a wide, flat skull and ridges down his back - stepped forward to protect his herd, letting out a deep bellow which feebly echoed against the thunder. The creatures stamped their feet anxiously and watched as lightning flashed. Nothing. It flashed again, and the lead male saw a large arch rising from the floodwaters. Flash. It was gone. None of the animals slept well that night, but no more was seen of the mysterious creature.
The storm cleared, and the sun shone faintly over the horizon. Squelch. Squelch. CRASH! Flamesail collapsed on the wet sand beneath an overhanging rock. Blood still seeped from the gash in his thigh. He knew he didn’t have long before another storm arrived and flooded the area, but Flamesail needed rest. Flamesail was a Spinosaurus. His scales were black and red, and his namesake sail was a brilliant blazing orange. He had a scar running perpendicular to his snout, one that he had gained at a young age. The previous day, Flamesail was returning from his favorite fishing lagoon when he was attacked by a Sarcosuchus. He attempted to fend it off with his claws, but it was more nimble than him in the water. It grabbed onto his leg, tearing the flesh as Flamesail roared out in pain. Then, unexpectedly, a massive log came tearing down the rapid river and connected with the skull of the Sarcosuchus. It fell into the current limply, and Flamesail slowly trudged back to his resting place. Soon he began to hear pterosaurs moving in around him, but he just needed some sleep. Only for a little bit…
Hope you liked chapter 1 so far.
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Sovereign Spino