ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
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More Rex Stories Tips
I was level 18 and watching a battle, bronto vs. Rex and 3 raptors 1 alpha it was cool, until I fell of the cliff I was standing on and was at half health but the rex couldn’t see me because it looked like the bronto looked at me and attacked the red to distract him. One up equals 1 respect for big ol brontos
The night was dark and I did fart, but a glowing awoke the beasts of the shore, a red Rex came to me and said, you will see all the gore, it destroyed trikes argies and more as bodies piled up on the floor, I tried to escape to an island but the red Rex followed me to the shore, and let me tell you the island was no longer full of herbivores, but a hero awoke a titanosaur, fought to the near death and won this battle and more, now trikes and stegos tell this tale to their children and you can still see the titanosaur, he died after a while and let me tell you, rexes don’t come round here no more, vote for more good stories
Me and my rex named Apex were going to our base after the adventure until a pack of raptors came and killed me. After I respawned, I tried to find him but didn't found. Then again I was killed by a sabertooth and I lost hope so I respawned back to my base. Apex has not died because still I see his name in the tames list. Apex, wherever you are, fight for your life.
A Story of the Fallen Tyrant Lord of the Arks
Larger carnivores are always found alone or in pairs. Yes, the Dilophosaurs and Raptors are notorious for hunting in packs of 4, yet beasts such as Spinosaurs are rarely seen with more than 2 in one place.
Long ago, however, The Island was at the brink of extinction, by the hand of its own inhabitants, when the carnivores of the Island were all united. All led by the feared, powerful leader of the Islands. An Alpha Rex known as Ares the Conqueror.
In his youth, he was stripped of his family by a pack of Trikes, leading to the hate against herbivores. Ares was aware that he could not achieve his goal alone, so he gained power and strength to inspire the other Carnivores around the Island. Soon, all of them were being bent by his will, all except the Giganotosaurs.
The chief of the Giganotosaurs was very egotistical, believing his tribe was superior even above the Overseer itself. So he didn’t expect an army of Carnivores from around the Island to assault on his tribe. That night, the Giganotosaurs fled to the center of the Island in hopes of survival.
Ares, knowing he was powerful enough to take on the Giganotosaurs themselves with his Empire, was blinded by warfare. And while the carnivores worshipped him, the herbivores knew him as the Tyrant. Ares would be blinded to the point of eliminating other Rexes who could have been his potential mate. Word would spread of this, yet most of the carnivores dismissed it as a fight for dominance.
Soon, the day came to start the annihilation of every Herbivore on the Island. Hundreds of herbivores died every day. Even the Titanosaur rose up to fight, yet the Empire swiftly outnumbered him, and even the Titan Protector of the Herbivores fell victim to the Empire.
Area commanded not from the safety of his base, but on the battlefield, where he would tear apart every Herbivore in his path. The Survivors, the humans who lived on the Island, were struggling to survive this Onslaught themselves, and the Arks were in turmoil.
Soon, the Overseer himself would know of this, and the Overseer decided to send the most powerful of the Ark Guardians to dispatch of the Carnivore Empire.
The Dragon.
The Dragon’s presence made some of the Carnivores fear him and flee, yet the rest including Ares stood up to him. “You who stand in my path of vengeance,” Ares growled. “I advise you leave, lest you know the wrath of the carnivores!” “This is a battle you know you cannot win,” the Dragon spoke as he looked down on Ares. “Even with your armies, in the end none of you will win. And even then, your conquest is meaningless. You recklessly throw the Island out of balance… thus, I shall destroy you.”
The Dragon unleashed his breath of fire onto the Carnivores, killing off some of the Army while the rest swarmed the Dragon. The Dragon himself summoned the avian creatures to fight alongside him and take on the army.
The Dragon and Ares fought. The Dragon had a large advantage against the alpha Rex warlord, yet soon the second wave of the army arrived, made up of quick raptors, carnotaurs, and the Yutyrannus Tribe of the North, which provided a boost of encouragement as they roared. Soon, the avians would litter the fields with their corpses, and the Dragon was outnumbered.
He hates to admit it nowadays, yet in the legend, he roared for backup from the Crystal Wyvern Queen and her Army of Wyverns, the only match for Ares and his army.
Soon, chaos would unfold as armies clashed. Ares, bloodied and battered, yet still continued to fight, taking out chunks of Wyverns with his claws and jaws. But even that wasn’t enough.
Eventually, the rest of the Carnivores fled, leaving Ares alone on the fields of battle. He had the few survivors of the Wyverns pinned to the ground when the Dragon and the Crystal Wyvern Queen approached him.
“Your troops have abandoned your cause,” the Dragon remarked. “It is time you accept the hands of fate.”
Ares would soon realize that his conquest would all be meaningless in the end. Thus, he kneeled, ready to embrace the flames ahead.
The Dragon begun to charge up a blast of obliterating flames like none he had ever unleashed before, yet at the last second, the Crystal Wyvern Queen stopped him.
“Wait.” she ordered. “You dare delay my Judging Inferno?” The Dragon roared. “Silence. I command you..” the queen growled. The Dragon stood there silent as the Queen turned to Ares. “Despite your thirst for blood, your skills earn our respect.” Before Ares was executed, the Queen took his implant to be preserved. And Ares accepted the judging flames that burned him…
Now, the Island lies within balance. Carnivores and Herbivores no longer hunt in massive packs, but in small ones, to keep balance. They had all learned from Ares’s failure to keep balance…
Yet somewhere on the Island, Ares’s implant glows with an eerie light, filled with life. The Soul of the Tyrant himself, ready to be unleashed once again…
The End! Hope you enjoyed.