Vennoxis and Jellybean, His Rock Drake, Followed the portal down to the drake trench.

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Vennoxis and Jellybean, His Rock Drake, Followed the portal down to the drake trench. He was looking for a decent level egg. Jellybean thought it wasn’t a good idea, since it was right next to Reaper territory. “Shush Jelly, We’ll be fine. Trust me!” Vennoxis said to her. They continued to glide through the portals rings, flying past purple and blue waterfalls. Vennoxis wowed in sight of each one, they were the most beautiful things he’d ever seen. Once they noticed that they were there, Vennoxis lead Jellybean around walls and cubbyholes. Only 100 and below leveled eggs. Vennoxis was disappointed in what he was seeing. He decided to go further in the trench, further he’d ever gone. Jellybean warned him again about what is lurking around. Vennoxis started getting nervous, but he needed that egg. It could be life changing. “We’ll be fine” He said anxiously. The deeper he went, the more he’s in danger.

Vennoxis turned his head around hearing rumbling behind him. *Its probably nothing.* He thought, continuing through reaper territory. The second time he heard chittering and digging. Now he was concerned. “Jelly, I think we should go back now..” Vennoxis started shaking. It kept getting darker and darker. So they decided it was a good idea to head back. As they turned around, They were stopped by bright white eyes in front of them. This thing was twice the size of Vennoxis’s rock drake. The massive creature grabbed Vennoxis with her tail, leaving him in a position where he cant escape. Jellybean started to attack the creature. The monster swung her tail and threw Jellybean to the wall. Vennoxis has passed out from radiation. Jellybean leaped for the shadow of the creature and grabbed Vennoxis as she ripped its tail off. The creature put up a fight. Jellybean wouldn’t give up though! Jellybean put Vennoxis in a sleeping compartment in her tek saddle, so he wouldn’t be injured anymore. The reaper queen slashed jelly’s neck. Jellybean yelped in pain, but she threw herself at the demon and threw her into the purple severely deadly water, watching her sink to the bottom screaming. “I should bring Vennoxis back.” Jellybean thought.

Jellybean got back with Vennoxis in the compartment. He began to wake up, feeling nauseous and light headed. Jellybean thought it was a good idea to bring him to his room and put him in bed, so she did. “He looks extremely ill.” She thought, looking at his pale face..

An hour later Vennoxis woke up again in pain as he started screaming. Hologram ran up to his room, seeing him look as if he’d seen something horrible. “Vennoxis! Whats wrong?!” Hologram asked running toward him. Vennoxis said nothing, he just. Sat there with tears running down his face. Hologram was really concerned. He didn’t know how to help Vennoxis.

10 minutes later Vennoxis screamed again, Hologram wondered what it was this time and went upstairs to his room again. Hologram opened the door just to see Vennoxis on top on his cryofrides. “What the...?” Hologram began before he saw something dart across the floor. Hologram glanced over at Vennoxis, realizing he was all bloody around his stomach, with a massive wound. He didn’t have that before. The little black and red creature ran to the corner of the room. Hologram walked slowly over to it, being very cautious. It was a baby reaper! Hologram was astonished at the sight. He started to take care of it and raise it up to adult. “Vennoxis will love it! I hope..” Hologram thought. Hologram started over thinking about how the baby got in Venn’s room. Was he impregnated by the reaper queen?...

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