I once had a raptor named Hunter.

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I once had a raptor named Hunter. While I was taming him, a bunch of troodons attacked me. Luckily, I had a carbonymus (donโ€™t remember his name) but the troodons were too much for him to handle alone. Then, Hunter tamed and came to the rescue! I was almost dead when I woke up, which was when it was morning, and came face to face with Hunter! I didnโ€™t get a message saying it was tamed, so I thought it was still wild! I accepted my death, but it never came. Then I saw the message in green: Raptor. following: Austin. Then I went WHAAAAAAA!?!? Then I renamed it to Hunter. I went back to base, and grabbed a couple more Dinos, and went back. Then, I saw a mysterious raptor with red mist coming out of itโ€ฆ it saw me, and killed me, and all of my tames, INCLUDING MY NEW HUNTER!!!! Rip. Hunter, the best raptor ever. Then, much later, I swapped over to the switch. I tamed a raptor named Hunter, and he died by an alpha raptor AGAIN! Soooooo anoooyyyyyiiiiing!

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