“No more fabricator for you! You leave mah people alone!”
~ tek peeper
Survivor screams in silence
Hey guys look it is subnautica
Did the insect swarm go underwater?
Under water insect swarms? hmmmm....... what’s worse? land insect swarms or these?
Man did ark started to copy subnautica
Me:*goes AFK underwater for .5 seconds*
Fish school: Haha not today buddy!
Great. ARK is introducing Subnatica. What’s next, a flying TEK bunny!?
Well, then I wouldn’t be surprised!!
Tina originals
A good name would be bird becus it’s called a parakeet fish lol
Man, ark really has been goin at it with these designs on real life animals
Parakeet: what's my purpose?
Me: to feed turtle guy and be annoying
Parakeet: oh my god...