ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies
Lure it away from the swamp and shoot it with tranq arrows. It will be 20+ arrows used. Don't forget to run when shooting or just make a trap.
real quick, but why does this guy look depressed?
You can make a house on the platform saddle and on the porch a cooking pot to make beer to crack open a cold one with the boys
The only dino that'll agro an unconscious paracer is a Rex. So if those are taken care off and your cautious about not bringing in extra friend with you. You don't have to worry about other creature damaging your tame.
Ok, so I just tamed two of these. (I live in the swamp/Redwoods) So, I’m just living my life, and an Alpha Carno just comes out of nowhere?? He just kinda,,, appeared. And I was really stressed out cause I thought I was gonna lose everything, but my paracers came through! They had the Carno down in less than a minute. I would definitely recommend these things to mid-level players like me, especially since they’re not hard to tame at all! (Sorry it’s so long, I got excited)
Comparing the paracer and bronto
The paracer has : speed,dps,stamina,and platform saddle is learned at level 50
But also the paracer has : lower hp,weight and a smaller platform saddle
The bronto has :great weight, large platform,better hp and is the best berry gathering dino by far
But the bronto also has :lower speed,lower dps,lower stamina and the saddle is learned at level 82
Mount a industrial grill on the paracer platform and have it follow u whilst on Rex or giga then when u get prime jump on paracer and put prime on grill
Why does he look depressed?????
When knocking these guys out, DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE THEIR SPEED. Even though they are slow they can easily catch up with you. I learned the hard way by trying to back pedal it like a bronto, but it hit me and got me down to half health. When I started chasing it, I thought I was about good, then I ran into a lvl 115 carno that would've killed me if I didn't have my therizino close by. While I was being chased, the paracer passed out, so all I had to do was kill the carno and feed the paracer.
(This should probably be in stories but at the same time it's kind of a tip...)
1. Find a praceefhdeufwbgvcuekebsvurbfuebxem.
2. Punch the Paracehuehfiehduwfh7ejfwfxyzgceihyem.
3. Put berries in the paracerbdjfgwudhfuegggfueheucems inventory.
4. Wait for your paracemfrbfjefhrufyg3ihef3udgfhejvjdncjdbrhnjo838hgxem to tame.
Warning !!! The people who are saying the stuff about it only A quarter of its taper gone and it being halfway are using crops and Stuff. If you’re using Mejoberries or other berries, it is required for you to have narcotics!