So, one day I was out on my mantis, looking for bee hives. It was a nice day, Brontos we're killing rexes, Tek raptors we're killing Zebra horses (equus) all was good. Until I saw what I thought was a huge egg, but when I used my spyglass.. it was an Ovis! I had some veggie cakes and fed it, and it was tame. It was fairly good for Ovis standards at least, but less than 5 minutes later a rex comes through and attacked my mantis. My mantis killed it in 4 hits but apparently hit a female Bronto with a mate. The Brontos attacked, killed my Ovis that I didn't even have for 5 minutes, got my mantis down to 100 health, and nearly killed me. I was able to ride away but I'm pissed about my Ovis :(

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