ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Encountering Tips

How do I kill a moschops? moschops battling strategies in ARK: Survival Evolved.
Moschops on passive: A happy camper :)
Moschops on neutral: Peaceful but runs away when attacked.
Moschops on Assist: Normally happy but gets scared and runs away when it sees a fight between either it’s owner or another tamed animal.
Moschops on Aggressive: I am scared of everything that moves :(
Don't be scared to walk up to it if you are new because they are not aggressive
Sees breeding as a form of fighting and will run away.
Eats dead dodos*
Drop it near moshops ant it will eat his lunch
(Ark mobile so take care)
Don't listen to the other people I had 2 of these when in my base making narcos and I heard some fighting outside. These were fatasses but they were all I had after I lost nearly everything from trying to do the "knowledge of your forebears" thing so I rushed outside and These things annihilated 2 sarcos, 2 parasaurs, 2 dilos, and I think a dodo or two. Goddamn beasts already killed most of them by the time I got outside and I formally apologise for calling them fatasses. Taming isn't as bad as I thought 2 of I believe any berry should feed them (they get hungry fairly quickly), you need to equip the berry in your hotbar (I recommend the always on screen hotbar instead of The slider for this) and "eat" the berry while aiming at it, that'll feed it. Do NOT knock it out. It does NOT get tamed when knocked out. Can't be ridden on mobile, rarely ever actually attacks and gets lost often, but it's kind of like containing itself because if it wants to it can obliterate a lot of other dinos.
Where are they most commonly found. I love them I want to breed them.
If you get a good level you can kill Carnos and a low level rex I know from experience
when you find one early in game but it needs a rare flower to tame 😔 true story
I was walking with my moschops and sarco and noticed they have the same walk😶 the swaying and arm bending are exactly the same! Has anyone else noticed this?
If you need a egg and you don’t want to be chased then find a moschops egg, when you take their egg they run! 😂
If you see these guys you can tame it without making it unconscious but if you have to wait until it is hungry it will change on what it wants to eat.
They are pretty annoying but master at gathering resources
I have no idead why. But if you get a higher level moschops and train it a bit, then you can make the ultimate battle creature. I have a level 175 with 15k health and over 1000% attack damage. It does 380 damage a hit and can easily kill a bronto
If you hit him I’m I would like to know what server you play in
Just eable wondering and it starts collecting beris and fiber.
Beach areas all over The Island, shouldn't have a problem finding them at all, as they are very common.
I’ve also seen the Moschops ask for tinto berries to tame.
I tend to notice these guys/girls
like to spawn in on the beaches or sandy areas, usually I can’t make it in towards the island so this is a very good tame in my Opinion, if not the best
These things can kill raptors!!!🤯🤯🤯
i was walking to find herbivores then i found a level 85! it only wanted tintoberries! i tamed it and it turned level 128, and then we lived a happy life together gathering everything we need
Good early game Dino. Didn’t pay attention to mine for awhile but still fed al lvled up. Just realized when from lvl 5 to lvl 30 in like 6 game days. Has 1183.7 health and 285.7 Melee 😳