ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

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More Moschops Stories Tips
One of my best tames in ths game by far, at first my maschops kept dying for wandering out too far thats when i decided to build a Huge Fortress where inside there are plants abundantly growing where they can roam freely without any thing attacking them or scaring them. TAMED 3 of these bad boys named them Mocha, Matcha, and Caramel. THINKING ABOUT TAMING two others AND NAMING IT Macchiato and Cappuccino..Up Up Up
Used to play Mobile, just started playing Switch. Wanted quick source of hide so I went to kill a Moschops cos they are passive and run. TELL ME WHY HALFWAY THROUGH RUNNING IT TURNED AROUND AND BIT ME. Not making his up. Make it green to spread awareness of Moschop aggression
I was walking up a mountain with my para. Looking for an equasi had the rock carrots ready but, something caught my eye. A strangely pink blurr in the corner of my eye swooping down to my base. I decided to follow it, and something has come up dilos attacking, paras fighting, and my lystro and my Moschops: walnut and hot digity dog, fight for their lives. For goodness sake my base lived my walnut and hot digity dog and Rian died protecting our base. They were life savers. They killed a carno. I felt bad for my 3 gone warriors. Though I didn’t have the materials to build a grave, they will always be remembered warriors.
R.I.P my 3 warriors, you’ll always be remembered. Up= 1 remember.
Not sure if anyone has used them for this but considering they can be tamed very early their damage can get pretty high as they level up with you taking it bigger and bigger dinos. My First tame chompy has bin with me from the start upgrading in order melee, health, weight and stamina. Chompy is lvl 164 now and has taken out everything that's come at us raptors, carnos, rexs, suchos and megs. He goes where i go.
The Obelisk
-Chapter 84-
“You ready?”
A whole night passed and Nyx still hadn’t returned, leaving Forest and the others wondering where she could have gone. It rained the whole time, sending smells of wet grass and dew through the caves as Forest slept. They were then woken up rather early, while it was still sprinkling and the sun was just beginning to rise. Moonbeam went looking for Nyx as soon as they were awake, leaving them to train with a thin Shadowmane named Shiver.
Forest blinked and looked up, realizing the someone had said something. “What?”
“For battle training!” Shiver said dramatically, flinging his tail up. “I’m super excited. I’ve never fought other creatures before! I assume all of your techniques are different,” he added, nodding to the four.
Forest made a face. “I don’t think I have… techniques,” he said.
Shiver laughed. “Oh, we all do! You just need a chance to get your claws on something; then we’ll see.”
“I wish Nyx were here, though,” The young Shadowmanes smile dimmed. “She’s a great fighter, better than most. She’s kicked me and Orbits butts too many times to count!” He stepped forward. “So who wants to go first?”
“I do!” Rust jumped forward.
“Cool,” Shiver said, firming his stance. “Let’s do it. Try to attack me.”
Rust hesitating, flexing his talons. “Come on,” Shiver said, grinning.
Right as he said it, Rust was bolting forward, attempting to jump onto him, but Shiver quickly slipped out of the way. He took one paw and struck Rust on the side of the head, throwing him sideways. Rust crashed face first into the dirt.
“Oof,” Spark hissed quietly.
“Typical,” Shiver observed, but not unkindly as Rust pulled himself up. “Try something creative.”
Rust growled quietly as Shiver pulled a defensive pose, and leapt again.
They trained for the rest of the day, one after the other taking turns to fight with Shiver. Eventually he had them try attacking each other, and it went that way for a while, the sun slowly inching acrossed the sky above them. Forest didn’t do terrible, as far as he could tell. He did rather well as escaping sticky situations, especially when the others had him pinned. And the others were great too, apart from Crimson, who acted like the training was boring and she could fight everyone at once if she wanted to.
And Moonbeam came back every once and a while, but Nyx was never with her. The four would pause to run and ask her if she’d found anything, but she always said no and stormed off.
And then the sun was setting, and Shiver had fun with them for a bit as he walked them back to their cave. He thanked them and said he looked forward to seeing them again, and whisked away to the Main Caves.
Forest sighed and dragged himself onto his ledge, plopping down onto the cold, comforting stone. Rust sat down and huddled close to Crimson, and her tail pushed him away. Forest turned his head and felt his talons move towards his sack—Yep, still there, he could see the runes light pulsing lightly from inside the dyed fibers. He closed his eyes and quickly fell into sleep, where he dreamed of thunder and wind and burning wings for the rest of the night.
(The first book starts in achatina and continues in abc order and then the second and third follow it)
Riddles of the Phoenixes series
The War of the Phoenixes.
Prologue: The war prophecy
Emma and Andrew were in a spare bedroom of the castle. Emma sat on the bed while Andrew looked out the window. “It’s so dark out there.” He commented. Emma said nothing, she seemed lost in thought. Andrew turned to his wife.
“You okay Em?” He asked. Emma nodded. “My head has been feeling very heavy for some strange reason. I don’t know-” She suddenly paused speaking, her mouth open slightly. “Em? Emma are you okay?” Andrew asked worriedly. Emma suddenly jerked and her eyes rolled upward. Black eyes stared back at him. “Emma?!”
Emma opened her mouth and began to speak, her voice dark and unlike her own.
“War is coming and it cannot be stopped.
Two brothers will fight, one of dark and one of light. If one bows to the light they will win the fight. One shall die and the other will learn that his anger must be dropped.
Find the speaker of creatures, the man of mischief, the seer of prophecies, the healer of himself, and the shaper of realities. Call them from the darkness into the light. They will help find a way or you will never live another day.
You will find help from one who wants something that is considered wrong.
Play the song she sang long ago and wherever the storm may blow you will find the key to his heart. Only he can defeat the slayer of dreams or else the world will tear apart by its seams.
You cannot deny that in this war some will bleed and die. Do not waste the time they have given or else all the peace will be driven off.
Two brothers will battle and one’s fate remains unknown while the other’s death will be painful, filled with groans and moans.
Gather a army and stay strong, keep yourselves from doing wrong. The war will come and only some will survive, only some.”
Emma jerked again and her eyes turned back to their normal white. She slumped over unto Andrew’s arms, exhausted. “What was that? A vision?” Andrew asked. Emma reached up and massages her forehead as if she had a headache. “No. No, it wasn’t a vision it was….a prophesy? We have to end the war. Soon.”
First chapter coming soon!