Diloking again and this is chapter 4.
Sorry it took so long but there was many ways to continue so I needed some time to think. Anyway, enjoy.
Warrior's duty
Chapter 4
-What do you mean we are going out?
-I mean that we are going out
Arok was very confused.
-Of these strange thinks?
-Their name is cages but yes. And not only them. We are going to get out of the Walls
-What walls?
-The base is surrounding by giantic walls. Human is afraid of wild animals and they are trying to keep them out.
-Walls? Humans? Base? First of all were we are?
-We are in the borders between the arctic and the bog biome
-Ok, and what is this place?
-A human base.
-Wha... Anyway you said you know we will go out. How??
-Remember that I seid you about the microraptors? Well, when they come they will help to inform every member of Eruption.
-We named out team like that because eruptions is super strong as we are, and anyway it's not your business. It's sounds cool and that's enough.
-So we will wait until the microraptors come?
-Exactly. But sometimes they come late, and you should learn how to live here. But now we should go to sleep.
Arok went to sleep as everyone else.