ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Really? That’s all the encountering tips you’re gonna give us? FFS
More Mega Mek Encountering Tips
Just throw an aggressive dodo at it and let that do all the work
Auotobots rollout
Wildcard:mega mek goooo
You only can use this inside the alpha king Titan fight
Throw otters,compies and dodos.dont forget the red panda too.
If you throw dodos at it the dodos will get one shot besides you can only use it in the alpha king Titan fight
Consider yourself already dead, running isn't gonna save you now.
Rip you
Your man
admincheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Mek/M_Character_BP.M_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 60
Quick get the DODOS they can kill them
Run. Just run forever don’t stop
This is momi mech.
Momi mech has a divorce with alpha king titan.
Momi Mech wants to take all her things back from alpha king titan.
Alpha King titan is made of momi mech's things.
Hope alpha king titan will be ok.