ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion
Tips & Strategies
It is best tamed by bringing a swarm of fish from deep under water and aggroing them on the turtle
You need to lure a fish swarm (found deep in the ocean) to a megachelon it will then swarm the megachelon and begin taming. *Note that you don’t passive tame this creature with meat it is false, you can however knock it out but it takes a long time for it’s torpor to rise, if the megachelon takes damage it’s taming resets*
The best way to tame it is to have your tribe mates stop any sharks and eles from attacking the turtle and you swim with it feeding it Berry's or honey if the turtle takes damage his tame bar will reset so don't let anything touch it
Warning: Don't Tame 3h for this ***
You can trap it if it gets close enough to shore
Do not bother trying to tame on fjonir the shark spawn is wayyyyy to high I tried with a squid
, shark, and basi
Kill the saber and meg's before trying to tame if it gets hit it starts all over
Don’t hit it or you might die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Find one, find a fish swarm, bring swarm over, let it tame, protect swarm from fish and other crap, wait for an hour or so, turtle that’s the size a giga basically is now your and go as fast as a compy.
Once found a Megachelon, search for a Microbe Swarm in it's premises. draw the swarm to the turtle and swim under it until taming starts. the level of the swarm seems to effect taming speed, effectiveness is always 100%. multiple swarms seem to be possible to shorten taming time even more. salmon bites reset taming completely! once taming starts leave it quickly by moving out of render. tribe log will inform you about finished tame.
The best area to tame is Ocean: SW. I found plenty of them swimming around, including the 150 male I have tamed. There is a trench that spawns the fish swarm, guide it to the giant turtle & YOU CAN WATCH FROM A DISTANCE! You do not need to be near the turtle for it to continue taming, bring a swimming tame that’s fast enough to guide Megalodon‘s to another turtle so you’re taming progress doesn’t reset when they bite you’re turtle. This took over an hour with taming 3x. Hope this helps!
If you’re looking for these guys Or mosas they spawn in the waters of deadman ielsa