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The mantis is one of my favorite creatures, so I will do a guide for it. #1. The mantis is aggressive, and will attack you. They usually are found in the Desert, in packs of three. They have 2 attacks: the first is a standard melee swipe, and the other is kinda like a pounce. #2. It is tameable, but the way is hard. First, you will need Bug Repellent, then you will need Rhino horns ( kill woolly rhinos). The Ghillie is optional, but you definitely need bug repellent: just stay behind the Mantis. If you find a pack, kill the ones you don’t want, and tame. #3. It has a saddle, and you can give it weapons and tools. All known items I know it can give it are Picks, Hatchets, Sickles, Swords, and I think Pikes. The tools behave the same way when you use them. This is my guide to the Mantis, and I hope it is useful! Signed, Pickle844Luvr

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