The Deserted Desert

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The Deserted Desert

It has been the entire month of June Preparations, the survivors Jo, weird guy, human,and human2 were ready to go to a floating tower. They had brought 8 Dragons to defend themselves from enemies all the sudden they were gone and in an arena, Jo mounted Ember, a 267 year old dragon while weird guy mounted Shockwave a 203 year old and Human with a 217 year old dragon named Isabella while Edragon zues static caustic glory ash and blaze fought hard Jo was battling the beast while shocke wave and Isabella were put to sleep ash and glory had already fallen to the manticore Human and Weird guy fended off giant worms and living rocks. It was the climax of their battle, ember nearing sleep and the manticore bleeding heavily. Ember took a fiery breath, exhausted, shockwave and Isabella died long ago, Caustic had been defending human and weird guy and then as the fire stroke the manticore so did the stinger…

Part 2 on Friday!!!

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