ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Nobody talking about speed exatly
If you breed manta %100 you can get chance of the q20 speed start. Around 30 lvl up it will be equal 156 speed!!!! You can travel all around for example ragnarok in 15-20 min!
These speed duration also acceptable for diplocaus, dimorp
Try it than thanks to me :)
More Manta Utility Tips
Do not listen to the person who said that they only eat angler gel, they can only be tamed with angler gel, they will eat meat after tamed. They won't agro on you if your riding an ichty too. Upβvote
(it dies)
Although these might seem fairly useless, Iβv actually found a very good use for them.
Recently I struggled with claiming the artifact of the cunning (or whatever the east water cave one is called). I first tried taking the cave head on, using a basilo (50k health and around 1k melee) and a few crappy backup sharks. I assumed the sharks would die, but that the basilo could pull through. Even before I was into the main cavern of the cave, I was assaulted by at least 20 insanely high level megalodons. With their pack buff and bleed attack, needless to say, my backup megs were dead. I decided that the cave couldnβt get much worse than that, and with my severely injured tamari ventured into the main cavern. I was greeted with twice the number of megs, 4 plesiosaurs, 2 mosasaurs, a barrage of eels, 1 tuso, and a collection of other horrible deep-sea predators. Realizing I was done, I tried to turn to escape, but it was too late. I got absolutely booty clapped.
So, it was back to the drawing board. I briefly thought about breeding a good sea creature army, but I was daunted by the prospect of that much time consuming breeding, and I was already in the process of breeding good boss rexes. So another idea came to me: what if I didnβt fight anything? What if I was just fast enough to avoid all danger? And so I tamed a few mantas (low levels, 30-60ish) and bred them. I imprinted the baby, grew it up, cryod it, and got to the cave. I was very worried that the manta would die, based on the fact that it had somewhere around 800 health. I crossed my fingers and hoped it was fast enough.
I expected it to be fast, but this thing blew through the cave and back out in no time, too fast to aggro most things and the things it did were left in the dust. I realize this would probably work with a dino of similar speed like an ichthy or maybe even a diplocaulus but for me, the manta is now the only way I get that artifact.
Do not dismount while in midair over sea! Dismounting while in the air will kill it!
Its attack completely bypasses armour, so its potential in PvP is legendary. Also super speed sea mount. And who said these were useless?
Tame like 20 of them, put them all in a single area, agressive on, wandering on, kill everyone
You can put these guys in fish baskets!!! They are obviously bigger than the basket but it works
If you position yourself correctly when riding one, only your head will stick out and you won't lose oxygen, this can be used for spying on others.
To the people who say these are useless, they are on of the if not the fastest tame in the ocean except Astrosdelphis and maybe itchy, there attack ignores armor, when you get a ton of them they are absolute killers in the ocean. Easy tame to, just ride itchy and hand it angler jel, it can jump out of the water which makes it even faster, just donβt take it on land or it will die, do not listen to people who say it is useless, just donβt.
Dolphins are the Pteranadons of the sea. Mantas are the B**ches of the sea. They aint nice.