ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Their movementspeed increase was heavily nerfed with th3latest patch.
More Manta Utility Tips
Do not listen to the person who said that they only eat angler gel, they can only be tamed with angler gel, they will eat meat after tamed. They won't agro on you if your riding an ichty too. Upβvote
(it dies)
Do not dismount while in midair over sea! Dismounting while in the air will kill it!
Its attack completely bypasses armour, so its potential in PvP is legendary. Also super speed sea mount. And who said these were useless?
Tame like 20 of them, put them all in a single area, agressive on, wandering on, kill everyone
If you position yourself correctly when riding one, only your head will stick out and you won't lose oxygen, this can be used for spying on others.
To the people who say these are useless, they are on of the if not the fastest tame in the ocean except Astrosdelphis and maybe itchy, there attack ignores armor, when you get a ton of them they are absolute killers in the ocean. Easy tame to, just ride itchy and hand it angler jel, it can jump out of the water which makes it even faster, just donβt take it on land or it will die, do not listen to people who say it is useless, just donβt.
Dolphins are the Pteranadons of the sea. Mantas are the B**ches of the sea. They aint nice.
You can put these guys in fish baskets!!! They are obviously bigger than the basket but it works
Mantas are very quick ocean transport mounts, which also double as a powerful PVP asset. The manta's attack ignore the armour stat, which makes a high melee damage manta incredibly powerful to players and small tames. It's quick speed also allows it to move very fast. It can jump out of the water, but on contact with land, it will begin dying very fast. Very good for travel on the center map, as it can jump over the many islands if it gets a good run up