Go out the the water riding this thing in creative mode and you can surf the air, just don’t get off or you will see a horrible, unneeded death...
Angry Sea Pancake
1☆ "Bad experience, would not try and tame again" -Steve Irwin
Children look, it's a majestic sea flap flap
If Steve Eriwin can't survive one these I can't
I just saw a flying manta. They’re evolving
They killed Steve Irwin dont trust them...
They are simps for basilosaurus my god..
If it so much as touches land it melts
I knew a Manta once, real friendly actually. He let me ride on his back. One day he got to close to the shore... RIP in my Dilo's stomach.?
IDK why but I think my game glitched but there were like 20 of them killing everything in the river. A level 150 carb died from them. I have like no experience with these guys but:
Like- Agro to humans
Dislike- not agro to humans.