ARK: Survival Evolved & Ascended Companion

Tips & Strategies

Get a basilosaurus and get the manta you want to tame, agro it to the balsilo and you will be able to tame the manta since its attacking the basilo instead of you. (The basilos food will drain quickly so get it some food)
More Manta Taming & KO Tips
I feel like it should not say non violent tame because this thing is very violent
I step in the water near them, next thing i knew i was a bag
When taming use bug repelent to prevent the manta from attacking you
Surprisingly bug spray actually works with these guys I was bored and tryed it and it worked!!! No argro if u WEAR bug spray!!!!
Tame a kaprosuchos and swim to one of these bad boys and do it's alternate attack it will grab it in it's mouth. walk onto the shore where its safe and have another person feed it while in the gators mouth (if you unmount it drops it) it wont attack or die because it's technically not on the shore.
I actually tamed this creature by luring it with a sarco and when it comes near to the shore I feed it angler gel after a few mins it will be tamed . You can also use bug repellent and tame it .
Guys it says passive tame because you don't need to knock it out🤦♂️ anyways, whoever said they only eat angler gel after tamed is a liar. They eat meat too. This deathly pancake is a good tame. Here's how to tame it: 1. Find a manta (if you're on the island theres some near the little lake thing where you spawn)
2. Get it to aggro on you
3. Get kind of out of the water
4. Feed it angler gel
5. Tame more and start breeding!
Enjoy your deathly pancake
guys it's a passive tame for you, not for the manta, it can be as aggressive as it wants it's not taming you, you are taming it
Eats at 28 seconds, not 11
They have terrible turning circle, approach one from above and feed it. Then let it swim circles around you. The occasional time it gets close you can predict its attacks, it “bucks” just before the attack, which is the tail swinging underneath. Quick swim up or back avoids it. Be prepared to get dizzy, long time between feeding